Work From Home— Wherever That Is
Kiplinger's Personal Finance

Work From Home— Wherever That Is

The pandemic has made it easier to work from a distance, but some far-flung workers have to follow special rules for taxes, health care and insurance.

10+ mins  |
February 2021
Kiplinger's Personal Finance

Anatomy of a Stock Trade

Stock trades are free these days at most online brokers. But where and how your trade is filled can impact your purchase price. And “it all happens in a flash,” says Jeff Chiappetta, vice president of trade and education at Schwab. It takes just 0.08 seconds, on average, at Schwab, from the time you submit your trade to validation of execution. Here’s a step-by-step look at what happens when you place a market-order stock trade.

3 mins  |
February 2021
“I've Had to Think Differently”
Bloomberg Markets

“I've Had to Think Differently”

IN SEPTEMBER, Jane Fraser shattered the financial industry’s ultimate glass ceiling when she was named the next chief executive officer of Citigroup Inc., one of the world’s three most important banks.

10+ mins  |
December 2020 - January 2021
The Prodigy
Bloomberg Markets

The Prodigy

Yoyo Chang turned a hunch born in an English high school cafeteria into a next-generation payments app backed by serious, well-heeled investors

10+ mins  |
December 2020 - January 2021
The Fintech Revolution Is Finally Here— And So Are the Regulators
Bloomberg Markets

The Fintech Revolution Is Finally Here— And So Are the Regulators

SPEAKING IN OCTOBER to his banking brethren at the world’s biggest payments confab—the annual Sibos conference— Jamie Dimon didn’t mince words.

4 mins  |
December 2020 - January 2021
Opening Up
Bloomberg Markets

Opening Up

China’s entry into the WTO upended global manufacturing. Now it’s poised to disrupt the financial system— and the consequences could be just as dramatic and surprising

9 mins  |
December 2020 - January 2021
Global Finance Wants to Protect Its Culture. First, It Should Reform It
Bloomberg Markets

Global Finance Wants to Protect Its Culture. First, It Should Reform It

EVERYWHERE, the stewards of capitalism are in flux, grappling with the implications of a radically different future that’s set to play out from home offices, living rooms, and kitchen tables around the world.

4 mins  |
December 2020 - January 2021
Kiplinger's Personal Finance

How to Socialize Safely at Home

BEING WITH FAMILY AND FRIENDS DURING COVID was easier last spring and summer, when you were able to feel reasonably safe gathering outdoors at sidewalk cafés and restaurants, picnic areas, and porches and patios. Now, with the pandemic still raging and winter weather arriving, options for lingering outdoors in most parts of the U.S. have diminished. // But with the right furniture, equipment and gear, you can transform your backyard into an inviting space to socialize and still stay warm.

9 mins  |
January 2021
Kiplinger's Personal Finance

Strategies to Tackle Debt

Millions of Americans facing furloughs and layoffs turned to credit cards to stay afloat. Here’s how to get out from under burgeoning balances.

9 mins  |
January 2021
Your Guide to Roth Conversions
Kiplinger's Personal Finance

Your Guide to Roth Conversions

Like marriage, converting a traditional IRA to a Roth is not a step that should be taken lightly.

9 mins  |
January 2021
Kiplinger's Personal Finance

Build a Bond Ladder

Use these ETFs to navigate a tricky market and manage cash flow.

6 mins  |
January 2021
Kiplinger's Personal Finance

What the New President Means for Your Money

President-Elect Biden wants more consumer protections and perks for the middle class and seniors.

4 mins  |
January 2021
Kiplinger's Personal Finance

The Best and Worst Presidents for Stocks

Presidents don’t make or break the market by themselves, but they do have an impact.

4 mins  |
January 2021
Kiplinger's Personal Finance

Find Higher Yields for Your Cash

Interest rates are scraping bottom, but here’s a road map to accounts that will help your money grow.

10+ mins  |
January 2021
8 Stocks to Buy Now... and 5 to Sell
Kiplinger's Personal Finance

8 Stocks to Buy Now... and 5 to Sell

These shares are poised for gains in 2021.

6 mins  |
January 2021
Kiplinger's Personal Finance

Best 401(k) Funds From Vanguard

Use our guide to the most popular actively managed offerings for retirement accounts.

6 mins  |
January 2021
Kiplinger's Personal Finance


The old standby allocation of 60% stocks and 40% government bonds might not work for buy-and-hold investors anymore.

2 mins  |
December 2020
Our Favorite Dividend Stocks
Kiplinger's Personal Finance

Our Favorite Dividend Stocks

In a wacky year, payouts from our income picks held steady.

9 mins  |
December 2020
Make the Bank Pay You More
Kiplinger's Personal Finance

Make the Bank Pay You More

This brutal year has been horrendous for those who hold stock in banks and related financial companies. But just as daily life shall improve for society, the same is true for bank shares.

3 mins  |
December 2020
Kiplinger's Personal Finance


The greenback is fading—but that doesn’t mean your portfolio has to.

10+ mins  |
December 2020
Keeping an Eye on Future Returns
Kiplinger's Personal Finance

Keeping an Eye on Future Returns

Here’s what experts see ahead—and way ahead—for the performance of stocks and bonds.

5 mins  |
December 2020
How We Lose When We Overlook Black Talent
Kiplinger's Personal Finance

How We Lose When We Overlook Black Talent

Comments from the Wells Fargo CEO reflect a culture that tramples on clients’ trust and limits opportunities for people of color.

3 mins  |
December 2020
Kiplinger's Personal Finance


Here’s how to prepare for the worst in this terrible, horrible, no good, very bad year.

10+ mins  |
December 2020
Financial Service Firms That Treat You Like a Star
Kiplinger's Personal Finance

Financial Service Firms That Treat You Like a Star

As a personal finance publication, we spend a lot of time evaluating the numbers when we recommend financial institutions and their products. We spotlight banks that offer high-interest rates and low fees on checking and savings accounts, and we note credit card issuers that provide ample cash back or points on everyday spending. When you’re in the market for a mortgage, we encourage you to shop for a low-interest rate, and we advise you to regularly compare premiums on home and auto insurance policies. // But many would argue that exceptional customer service is just as important as low fees or competitive interest rates. An insurance company is worth its weight in gold if its agents are responsive and fair when you’re dealing with a damaged car or home. A mortgage lender that helps pave the way to a smooth close on a home purchase can save you a lot of headaches. And banks and credit card issuers with strong customer service teams can quickly put a lid on fraudulent activity or other problems with your accounts.

10+ mins  |
December 2020
A Financial Mastermind

A Financial Mastermind

The Great Philanthropist

10 mins  |
November - December 2020
Some Inflation Is Better Than None
Kiplinger's Personal Finance

Some Inflation Is Better Than None

A few weeks ago, at a socially distanced backyard lunch, my recently retired friend Richard, a cautious saver and investor bemoaned the pittance his and other banks pay depositors.

3 mins  |
November 2020
Kiplinger's Personal Finance


Got a little extra cash sitting in your bank account? Consider some timely ideas for putting it to good use. On our list: financial gifts for family, contributions to charity, sprucing up your home and buying a new bike. Got even more cash on hand? We also have suggestions for ways to spend up to $10,000.

10+ mins  |
November 2020
Sleep Tight Portfolio Fixes
Kiplinger's Personal Finance

Sleep Tight Portfolio Fixes

You’ve got problems. We’ve got solutions. Use our guide to keep your portfolio from keeping you awake, no matter what the market does.

10+ mins  |
November 2020
YOUR GUIDE TO Open Enrollment
Kiplinger's Personal Finance

YOUR GUIDE TO Open Enrollment

Your health insurance options may look a little different this fall. Meanwhile, the cost of coverage continues to climb.

10+ mins  |
November 2020
How to Pay for Homeschooling
Kiplinger's Personal Finance

How to Pay for Homeschooling

You may be able to save money with tax-advantaged savings accounts or tax breaks from your state.

4 mins  |
November 2020