Why Territorial Managers Stifle Innovation and What to Do About It
MIT Sloan Management Review

Why Territorial Managers Stifle Innovation and What to Do About It

Managers who feel insecure about their status tend not to encourage novel ideas from their employees. Fostering their identification with the organization can change this behavior.

8 mins  |
Summer 2024
The Hazards of Putting Ethics on Autopilot
MIT Sloan Management Review

The Hazards of Putting Ethics on Autopilot

Research shows that employees who are steered by digital nudges may lose some ethical competency. That has implications for how we use the new generation of AI assistants.

5 mins  |
Summer 2024
Auditing Algorithmic Risk
MIT Sloan Management Review

Auditing Algorithmic Risk

How do we know whether algorithmic systems are working as intended? A set of simple frameworks can help even nontechnical organizations check the functioning of their AI tools.

10+ mins  |
Summer 2024
The Trouble With Your Innovation Contests
MIT Sloan Management Review

The Trouble With Your Innovation Contests

Not all innovation contests should be winner-takes-all or judged by senior executives. New research shows how to structure contests to meet specific goals.

9 mins  |
Spring 2024
Scaling Automation: Two Proven Paths to Success
MIT Sloan Management Review

Scaling Automation: Two Proven Paths to Success

Lessons from two leading hospital systems show how to overcome the obstacles to automation.

10 mins  |
Spring 2024
How Tech Fails Late-Career Workers
MIT Sloan Management Review

How Tech Fails Late-Career Workers

Managers must make deliberate choices to support older workers' use of complex technologies.

9 mins  |
Spring 2024
Building Culture From the Middle Out
MIT Sloan Management Review

Building Culture From the Middle Out

Midlevel leaders are critical to fostering an organizational culture that’s healthy and vibrant.

10+ mins  |
Spring 2024
Why Manufacturers Need a Phased Approach to Digital Transformation
MIT Sloan Management Review

Why Manufacturers Need a Phased Approach to Digital Transformation

Those that succeed with this difficult work break it into three stages, each with its own guiding metrics.

10+ mins  |
Spring 2024
Will Large Language Models Really Change How Work Is Done?
MIT Sloan Management Review

Will Large Language Models Really Change How Work Is Done?

Even as organizations adopt increasingly powerful LLMs, they will find it difficult to shed their reliance on humans.

10+ mins  |
Spring 2024
How to Make Better Friends at Work
MIT Sloan Management Review

How to Make Better Friends at Work

Friendships in the workplace can enrich our lives and make us better leaders and workers if we make the effort to cultivate truly healthy relationships.

10+ mins  |
Spring 2024
Health Care Platforms Need a Strategy Overhaul
MIT Sloan Management Review

Health Care Platforms Need a Strategy Overhaul

To succeed, digital health platforms must shift their approach in three key areas.

10+ mins  |
Spring 2024
Steer Clear of Corporate Venture Capital Pitfalls
MIT Sloan Management Review

Steer Clear of Corporate Venture Capital Pitfalls

Big companies and risk capital can be awkward partners. Here’s how to get corporate venturing right.

10+ mins  |
Spring 2024
New Markets, New Opportunities: Identifying Where and How to Make Your Play
MIT Sloan Management Review

New Markets, New Opportunities: Identifying Where and How to Make Your Play

How do leaders determine whether to build a new business around a promising new technology?

10+ mins  |
Spring 2024
Own Your Words to Gain Authority
MIT Sloan Management Review

Own Your Words to Gain Authority

Managers undermine their credibility when they speak for others too frequently.

7 mins  |
Spring 2024
What the Smart Money Says About Black CEOs
MIT Sloan Management Review

What the Smart Money Says About Black CEOs

Investors’ reactions to an executive appointment often reflect negative bias, while institutional investors take a more positive view.

5 mins  |
Spring 2024
Doubling Down on Impact Reporting
MIT Sloan Management Review

Doubling Down on Impact Reporting

New EU reporting mandates will affect businesses well beyond Europe's borders and require them to report on material impacts far beyond their own walls.

7 mins  |
Spring 2024
Are Enterprise Social Platforms All Talk?
MIT Sloan Management Review

Are Enterprise Social Platforms All Talk?

To get the most from corporate knowledge-sharing tools, encourage users to engage with more content, not just build their personal brand.

5 mins  |
Spring 2024
Radical Innovation Needs Old-School VC
MIT Sloan Management Review

Radical Innovation Needs Old-School VC

Scientists and entrepreneurs working on the world's most urgent problems can't solve them without funders who understand deep-tech opportunities and take long-term views.

5 mins  |
Spring 2024
The Real Issues Driving the Nursing Crisis
MIT Sloan Management Review

The Real Issues Driving the Nursing Crisis

Our analysis of nurses' employer reviews reveals the true source of burnout and why nurses are leaving the field. Here's how health care leaders can improve nurse job satisfaction to fight a looming nursing shortage.

10+ mins  |
Winter 2024
How Ghost Scenarios Haunt Strategy Execution
MIT Sloan Management Review

How Ghost Scenarios Haunt Strategy Execution

Strategic planners are often blind about how the future will challenge their status quo. A scenario-planning mindset can help them see what they’re missing.

8 mins  |
Winter 2024
How to Productively Disagree on Tough Topics
MIT Sloan Management Review

How to Productively Disagree on Tough Topics

Instead of avoiding divisive issues, learn how to have thoughtful conversations that build mutual understanding and respect.

10+ mins  |
Winter 2024
What Managers Everywhere Must Know About Caste
MIT Sloan Management Review

What Managers Everywhere Must Know About Caste

Hari Bapuji, Kamini Gupta, Snehanjali Chrispal, and Thomas Roulet

10+ mins  |
Winter 2024
Leadership Development Is Failing Us.Here's How to Fix It
MIT Sloan Management Review

Leadership Development Is Failing Us.Here's How to Fix It

Executive development programs are big business, but too many fail to yield meaningful results. Here’s how to be a savvy consumer.

10+ mins  |
Winter 2024
Make Better Allies of Your Workforce
MIT Sloan Management Review

Make Better Allies of Your Workforce

Leaders can avoid labor disputes and create value by improving communication with employees and including them in strategic decision-making

10+ mins  |
Winter 2024
Can Friction Improve Your Customers' Experiences?
MIT Sloan Management Review

Can Friction Improve Your Customers' Experiences?

Many companies are on a quest to make online shopping as hassle-free as possible but slowing down the purchase process can boost buyer satisfaction and loyalty.

10+ mins  |
Winter 2024
The Hidden Opportunity in Paradoxes
MIT Sloan Management Review

The Hidden Opportunity in Paradoxes

When faced with impossible choices, organizations that embrace seemingly contradictory options expand the scope of what's possible.

10+ mins  |
Winter 2024
Set Ambitious but Realistic Environmental Goals
MIT Sloan Management Review

Set Ambitious but Realistic Environmental Goals

How far from business realities can companies stretch when setting critical goals to reduce carbon emissions?

10+ mins  |
Winter 2024
There Actually Is an 'I' in Team
MIT Sloan Management Review

There Actually Is an 'I' in Team

Research shows that when dealing with fundamental change, teams that retrain individuals before focusing on collaboration have better results.

6 mins  |
Winter 2024
R&D Leaders Must Play a key Role in the Journey to Net Zero
MIT Sloan Management Review

R&D Leaders Must Play a key Role in the Journey to Net Zero

CTOs and other executives who lead research and innovation are positioned to be critical change agents in cutting enterprises’ carbon footprints.

6 mins  |
Winter 2024
The Looming Challenge of Chemical Disclosures
MIT Sloan Management Review

The Looming Challenge of Chemical Disclosures

New sustainability rules make consumer brands accountable for the composition of their products, but most companies are in the dark.

6 mins  |
Winter 2024