Use Open Source for Safer Generative AI Experiments
MIT Sloan Management Review

Use Open Source for Safer Generative AI Experiments

Commercial Al services can put proprietary data at risk but there are alternatives.

6 mins  |
Winter 2024
The Working Limitations of Large Language Models
MIT Sloan Management Review

The Working Limitations of Large Language Models

Overestimating the capabilities of Al models like ChatGPT can lead to unreliable applications.

9 mins  |
Winter 2024
When Doing Less Adds Up to More
MIT Sloan Management Review

When Doing Less Adds Up to More

Companies that reduce and simplify workload on the front lines find that they can position employees to deliver a better customer experience

9 mins  |
Summer 2023
Balancing Valued Tradition With Innovation
MIT Sloan Management Review

Balancing Valued Tradition With Innovation

When your product is a beloved classic, how do you update it to attract new customers?

6 mins  |
Summer 2023
International Tax Reform the C-Suite Can't Ignore
MIT Sloan Management Review

International Tax Reform the C-Suite Can't Ignore

For decades, nations competed to attract businesses with tax breaks. A new agreement among OECD countries is about to change that

6 mins  |
Summer 2023
Don't Get Distracted by the Hype Around Generative Al
MIT Sloan Management Review

Don't Get Distracted by the Hype Around Generative Al

Tech bubbles are bad information environments

6 mins  |
Summer 2023
The Unequal Rewards of Peer Support at Work
MIT Sloan Management Review

The Unequal Rewards of Peer Support at Work

Research shows that men benefit more from supporting colleagues than do women

7 mins  |
Summer 2023
How Digitally Mature Is Your Finance Office?
MIT Sloan Management Review

How Digitally Mature Is Your Finance Office?

CFOs who are digital leaders prioritize developing seven key capabilities to unlock the power of data and analytics

8 mins  |
Summer 2023
The Missing Discipline Behind Failure to Scale
MIT Sloan Management Review

The Missing Discipline Behind Failure to Scale

Companies make significant investments in developing and incubating new business initiatives, but too few follow a rigorous path to scaling their ventures

10+ mins  |
Summer 2023
How Professional Services Firms Dodged Disruption
MIT Sloan Management Review

How Professional Services Firms Dodged Disruption

Adopting a dual mindset of paranoia and pragmatism can keep incumbents nimble amid changing market dynamics.

10+ mins  |
Summer 2023
Predictive Models Can Lose the Plot. Here's How to Keep Them on Track.
MIT Sloan Management Review

Predictive Models Can Lose the Plot. Here's How to Keep Them on Track.

Algorithmic inertia can result in guidance that leads businesses astray

10 mins  |
Summer 2023
Navigating Risk and Disruption: Skills and Tactics for an Uncertain Future
MIT Sloan Management Review

Navigating Risk and Disruption: Skills and Tactics for an Uncertain Future

Three years ago, organizations around the world were caught flat-footed by a long-predicted risk whose emergence was no surprise to anyone who had been paying serious attention to global public health issues

1 min  |
Summer 2023
Tech at the Edge: Evaluating the Potential of Emerging Tools
MIT Sloan Management Review

Tech at the Edge: Evaluating the Potential of Emerging Tools

Evaluating the Potential of Emerging Tools

10+ mins  |
Spring 2023
How E-Commerce Companies Can Reduce Returns
MIT Sloan Management Review

How E-Commerce Companies Can Reduce Returns

Research shows that product returns decrease when online shoppers receive orders in a single, consolidated delivery.

5 mins  |
Spring 2023
What an FTC Noncompete Ban Could Mean for Workers and Businesses
MIT Sloan Management Review

What an FTC Noncompete Ban Could Mean for Workers and Businesses

Research shows that noncompete agreements depress worker wages and mobility and make it harder for new businesses to start, scale, and hire talent. So why are they everywhere?

7 mins  |
Spring 2023
New Threats to the Subscription Model
MIT Sloan Management Review

New Threats to the Subscription Model

Inflation and supply chain disruption might make it harder for businesses to meet their obligations to customers on subscription plans.

8 mins  |
Spring 2023
Why Companies Employee Chart a Career Path Should Help Every
MIT Sloan Management Review

Why Companies Employee Chart a Career Path Should Help Every

Providing career development to all employees requires a commitment to clarifying pathways for growth and giving everyone opportunities to build new skills.

10+ mins  |
Spring 2023
Become a Better Problem Solver by Telling Better Stories
MIT Sloan Management Review

Become a Better Problem Solver by Telling Better Stories

One of the biggest obstacles to effective decision-making is failure to define the problem well. Invoking the power of narrative and a simple story structure can help ensure that teams are solving the right problem.

10+ mins  |
Spring 2023
Why Innovation Depends on Intellectual Honesty
MIT Sloan Management Review

Why Innovation Depends on Intellectual Honesty

Fostering psychological safety isn’t enough if managers don’t pay particular attention to creating conditions for healthy debate.

10+ mins  |
Spring 2023
strategizing Across Organizations
MIT Sloan Management Review

strategizing Across Organizations

Capitalizing on big opportunities and solving systemic problems will require organizations to come together to develop strategies as a group.

8 mins  |
Spring 2023
Rethinking Hierarchy
MIT Sloan Management Review

Rethinking Hierarchy

We need to reconceive managerial authority for today’s business environment not eliminate it.

10+ mins  |
Spring 2023
Mining Underground Innovation
MIT Sloan Management Review

Mining Underground Innovation

Many R&D employees proactively engage in innovation efforts not sanctioned by their managers. Organizations must find ways to surface these projects so that they can gain broader benefits.

10+ mins  |
Spring 2023
Level Up to Strategic Data Sharing
MIT Sloan Management Review

Level Up to Strategic Data Sharing

Your data assets are key to developing new value for your customers and giving you clout in digital ecosystems.

10 mins  |
Spring 2023
HR for Better Reimagining Well-Being and Performance
MIT Sloan Management Review

HR for Better Reimagining Well-Being and Performance

Organizations must rethink historical divisions between talent and benefits groups if they are to more effectively help workers develop the psychological skills to thrive now and in the future.

10+ mins  |
Spring 2023
The CEO Is Leaving. Now What?
MIT Sloan Management Review

The CEO Is Leaving. Now What?

A three-phase process can help your organization navigate the boss’s departure and transition smoothly into new leadership.

6 mins  |
Fall 2022
Saving Management From Our Obsession With Leadership
MIT Sloan Management Review

Saving Management From Our Obsession With Leadership

Lofty notions of leadership have captivated our collective imagination — and we've underappreciated and underinvested in the everyday management skills that organizations desperately need.

10+ mins  |
Fall 2022
Women Are Stalling Out on the Way to the Top
MIT Sloan Management Review

Women Are Stalling Out on the Way to the Top

Here’s what we’ve learned from 40 years of data on executives in the largest U.S. corporations.

10 mins  |
Fall 2022
Can Design Thinking Succeed in Your Organization?
MIT Sloan Management Review

Can Design Thinking Succeed in Your Organization?

Many leaders become discouraged when design thinking doesn't get the results they expect. They can improve the odds of success by assessing the readiness of their organizations and preparing their teams for a different problem-solving process.

10+ mins  |
Fall 2022
Meet the New Board — Same as the Old Board
MIT Sloan Management Review

Meet the New Board — Same as the Old Board

Many companies are just going through the motions of recruiting more diverse board members. It’s time to get serious about board refreshment.

9 mins  |
Fall 2022
Closing the Governance Gap in Joint Ventures
MIT Sloan Management Review

Closing the Governance Gap in Joint Ventures

Businesses are increasingly partnering to meet their strategic objectives but neglecting governance puts JVs and their shareholders at risk.

10+ mins  |
Fall 2022