How To Fix Lower-Back Pain After Spin Class
Shape Malaysia

How To Fix Lower-Back Pain After Spin Class

Pushing through the burn is part of a good, sweaty spin class. But there’s a big difference between that ‘hurts so good’ feeling and real pain. So if you’ve ever left the studio with a killer workout on the books, but an achy lower back to show for it, here’s how to stop the pain ASAP, and why it happens in the first place.

3 mins  |
September - October 2018
Avoid These Common Foam-Rolling Mistakes
Shape Malaysia

Avoid These Common Foam-Rolling Mistakes

After you get through that HIIT class or long run, your muscles are probably going to be sore. Those hardworking muscles were broken down during exercise and need rest to repair themselves. If you don’t give your body some TLC and sufficient time to recover, you’ll increase your risk of an overuse injury. One solution? That trusty foam roller.

6 mins  |
September - October 2018
Expert Tips For A Flatter Lower Belly
Shape Malaysia

Expert Tips For A Flatter Lower Belly

Your middle is not a mere vanity project—it’s a real barometer of your health. Get it in top form with this science-backed approach.

2 mins  |
September - October 2018
Can't Sleep? Try Some Kiwi
Shape Malaysia

Can't Sleep? Try Some Kiwi

This fruit and other foods have a direct impact on the quality of your slumber. More restorative shut-eye is coming your way.

3 mins  |
September - October 2018
The Power Of A Kiss
Shape Malaysia

The Power Of A Kiss

There’s a reason we lock lips: Science shows it leads to incredible health benefits. Here, the mental and physical perks.

1 min  |
September - October 2018
Mindy Moving Forward
Shape Malaysia

Mindy Moving Forward

Life keeps getting better and bolder for Mindy Kaling. And the star and new mom couldn’t be more excited about what lies ahead.

8 mins  |
September - October 2018
Why You Aren't Losing Weight
Shape Malaysia

Why You Aren't Losing Weight

A new study suggests people who have an easier time losing weight may have more of a certain type of gut bacteria.

2 mins  |
September - October 2018
Acupuncture - The Mighty Needle
Shape Malaysia

Acupuncture - The Mighty Needle

Once an alternative treatment, acupuncture is moving into mainstream medicine, with research showing that it eases everything from stress to allergies to pain. Learn the latest on this powerful healing techniqueand how it can help you.

5 mins  |
September - October 2018
Tricks That Make Healthy Cooking Easier And More Fun
Shape Malaysia

Tricks That Make Healthy Cooking Easier And More Fun

Having a healthy meal plan is great, but it’s not doing you any good if you don’t stick to it. Pick up these hacks to make cooking easier and hassle-free for you.

5 mins  |
July 2018
Danielle Brooks
Shape Malaysia

Danielle Brooks

She loves a good mantra. She carries a book that she adds to daily and wears a pin that says ‘Keep Going.’ Brooks’ role as Taystee on Orange Is the New Black also impacts her outlook. “Playing an inmate every day opens your eyes to how corrupt the penal system is when it comes to basic human rights and needs,” she says. Here’s what else moves the actor.

1 min  |
July 2018
Kate Kicks Back
Shape Malaysia

Kate Kicks Back

Thanks to her new marriage, a healthier way of eating, and animal advocacy work she’s passionate about, Kate Mara has found her bliss zone.

4 mins  |
July 2018
Break It Down: Allergies
Shape Malaysia

Break It Down: Allergies

Why does pollen cause your body to go haywire? We asked Dr. Purvi Parikh, an allergist and an immunologist in New York City, how allergic reactions happen. Because the more you know, the better you can save yourself from the misery.

1 min  |
July 2018
Cay Kuijpers
Shape Malaysia

Cay Kuijpers

Having just returned from scaling Mount Toubkal, the tallest peak in the Atlas Mountains, Cay’s year is starting off on a high note. Dividing her time between Malaysia and Australia, Cay is an international emcee, personal trainer and a boxing athlete. This month, the Filipina-Dutch lass shares some tips with us on how she stays on top of her fitness game.

1 min  |
March - April 2019
Who's The Hottest?
Shape Malaysia

Who's The Hottest?

SHAPE’S Fit People 2019 just got fabulous with these 10 trainers; they aren’t just fit and committed to their lifestyle, but they’ve got vibrant personalities, too. Get to know them through these interviews, and vote for your favourite man and woman on The top two winners will be featured on the July/ August 2019 cover!

10 mins  |
March - April 2019
Leighton Meester
Shape Malaysia

Leighton Meester

Thirteen million kids in the U.S. face hunger every day. The actor was one of them. Now she’s on a mission to make changes.

1 min  |
March - April 2019
Faster, Stronger, Smoother
Shape Malaysia

Faster, Stronger, Smoother

Eight simple tweaks that will make your miles feel easier and a lot more fun.

2 mins  |
May 2017
Burn More, Firm More
Shape Malaysia

Burn More, Firm More

Need a seriously efficient, do-anywhere workout that leaves you drenched? This is it.

2 mins  |
May 2017
Soak Up More Nutrients
Shape Malaysia

Soak Up More Nutrients

Chances are, you’re not getting as many vitamins from your healthy diet as you think. Follow this pro advice before your next meal.

5 mins  |
May 2017
Calcium: the Amazing Body Booster
Shape Malaysia

Calcium: the Amazing Body Booster

You know it as the bone builder, but here is calcium’s full healthy hot list: It strengthens your muscles, helps you slim, and may even prevent cancer. You need more than you’re getting, though. Here’s the plan.

2 mins  |
May 2017
If You Train for It, Then You Can Do It
Shape Malaysia

If You Train for It, Then You Can Do It

Ann Sedai went from “zero to hero”, taking every opportunity she could to be where she is today.

3 mins  |
May 2017
7 Ways to Eat Well on a Budget
Shape Malaysia

7 Ways to Eat Well on a Budget

It’s possible to tuck into a healthy meal without burning a hole in your pocket. These smart ideas will help nourish your body while saving you money.

4 mins  |
October 2016
Small Changes For Big Results
Shape Malaysia

Small Changes For Big Results

The key to losing those inches may not be in making big, difficult moves that blast fat and amp your fitness firepower. Experts say making small, yet equally important, adjustments could be more successful. Here are 10 modifications you can make that’ll reap giant rewards.

7 mins  |
October 2016
How To Project Your Energy For The Work-Life Balance
Shape Malaysia

How To Project Your Energy For The Work-Life Balance

Joanna Soh is young, chatty and energetic. You’ll see much of that vibe channelled through her fitness and wellness channel on You Tube. But there’s more to this sassy lass; she’s also focused and ambitious. Here’s how she projects her energy for that enviable work-life balance.

4 mins  |
April 2017
Training Together
Shape Malaysia

Training Together

Mommy and me classes are workout savers when you crave the gym but want to keep an eye on your tot. Another bonus: “You’re role modeling the importance of exercise for your child,” says Bela Moté, a national director at the YMCA of the USA. “And the earlier you do that, the better.” Here’s how four popular workouts handle your offspring.

2 mins  |
June 2018
Ashley Graham
Shape Malaysia

Ashley Graham

There’s a lot we admire about model and body activist Ashley Graham, but topping the list is definitely her unapologetic love for her curves and confidence in showing them off. She shared all of her self-confidence secrets in her autobiography, A New Model, and opened up about how she learned to accept her size (despite the haters) to become the badass supermodel that we know and love today.

1 min  |
June 2018
Happily Ever After
Shape Malaysia

Happily Ever After

Things have finally fallen into place for Rina Omar. At 40, she is at her fittest and happiest, she’s found her purpose in conservation work, AND she’s the winner of SHAPE Malaysia Fit Girl 2018 search. Here, this chatty and dynamic lass who loves fast-paced functional training sessions and dragon-boating, shares with us her foolproof strategies to happiness and fitness.

4 mins  |
June 2018
Triple The Body Benefits
Shape Malaysia

Triple The Body Benefits

Blast major calories and carve your core while you fire up every last muscle. Meet The th killer workout you’ll want to add to your HIIT list. 

3 mins  |
October 2017
Adventures In Beauty
Shape Malaysia

Adventures In Beauty

Subjecting your face to frigid air or pricking it with teeny needles seems drastic, but these extreme exploits may offer impressive results.

4 mins  |
October 2017
“I Made It From Skinny To Healthy. The Number On The Scale Doesn't Matter As Much Once You're Fit.”
Shape Malaysia

“I Made It From Skinny To Healthy. The Number On The Scale Doesn't Matter As Much Once You're Fit.”

Charmaine Ang, 31, talks about how she survived an eating disorder by revamping her lifestyle through fitness. 

4 mins  |
October 2017
Lily Collins Bares All
Shape Malaysia

Lily Collins Bares All


5 mins  |
October 2017