LET Wagging Tongues WAG
Life Positive

LET Wagging Tongues WAG

Swami Mukundananda encourages us to remain true to ourselves and turn a Nelson's eye to what others think or say about us

3 mins  |
January 2023
May a Million Gandhis Bloom
Life Positive

May a Million Gandhis Bloom

It is never the person. It is the principles and teachings that truly matter. Prioritise wisdom, not intelligence says Suma Varughese

3 mins  |
January 2023
The High Priest of Purposeful Living
Life Positive

The High Priest of Purposeful Living

Dandapaniji talks with Navni Chawla about finding meaning and purpose to life and living in alignment with it to make the most of our time here on this planet

9 mins  |
January 2023
Coming ΗΟΜΕ
Life Positive

Coming ΗΟΜΕ

In this article, Ajay Kalra gives new meaning to the adage Home is where the heart is'

4 mins  |
January 2023
Hip Hip Hooray!
Life Positive

Hip Hip Hooray!

Squat to open up your hips and stretch your lower limbs with Kamala Venkat

1 min  |
January 2023
Waltzing Through The Winter of Life
Life Positive

Waltzing Through The Winter of Life

There is a common adage, \"Dance like nobody is watching you.\"

2 mins  |
January 2023
The Patron saint of Hope
Life Positive

The Patron saint of Hope

Cancer is a great challenge itself, in but looking for a safe place to stay during the treatment makes it even more daunting for the victim and their family.

1 min  |
January 2023
Learning to Accept The Difference
Life Positive

Learning to Accept The Difference

The majority of people are unaware that the LGBTQIA+ community is one of society's most disregarded and marginalised groups.

1 min  |
January 2023
Hello, I Am The Ego
Life Positive

Hello, I Am The Ego

Ajay Kalra introduces us to our core raison d'être our ego-which makes us believe that we are the doer. But when we try to look for it sincerely, it disappears!

4 mins  |
December 2022
The Journey To Self-Realisation
Life Positive

The Journey To Self-Realisation

We all are the result of maya, which makes us undergo a journey, only to realise that there never was one, says Ajay Kalra

5 mins  |
December 2022
India's Favourite Comfort Food
Life Positive

India's Favourite Comfort Food

Whether you are ill or bouncing with joy, a good old khichdi always does the trick, says Naini Setalvad. It warms the cockles of your heart!

4 mins  |
December 2022
How To Create Good Karma
Life Positive

How To Create Good Karma

When we desire with our heart and soul to do something noble, the Universe rushes to our aid to make it happen, says Jamuna Rangachari. In the process, we create good karma for ourselves as well as the rest of the world.

10+ mins  |
December 2022
Soaps For Cleaning Mother Earth
Life Positive

Soaps For Cleaning Mother Earth

Harsh Chandra, a native of Uttrakhand, came Auroville to study textiles and handlooms as part of an exchange programme in 1993 but, instead, found his calling in making organic soaps.

1 min  |
December 2022
Women's Empowerment Comes to the Fore(st)
Life Positive

Women's Empowerment Comes to the Fore(st)

A trained Manju always loved nature ecologist, Vasudevan and wildlife.

1 min  |
December 2022
Solution for a Swollen Sac
Life Positive

Solution for a Swollen Sac

Abhay Kumar Shah guides males on how to alleviate symptoms of hydrocele with the help of three mudras

1 min  |
December 2022
THE Balancing Act
Life Positive

THE Balancing Act

In the fourth and final article of her series on work-life balance, Archana Raghuram shares with us the us the power of spirituality and acceptance of the inevitable

6 mins  |
December 2022
THE Saint Reformer
Life Positive

THE Saint Reformer

Jamuna Ragachari introduces us to Sri Ramanuja, who propounded one of the three main schools of Vedanta. He broke away from the prevalent Advaita tradition to promote Vaishnavite bhakti in a big way

5 mins  |
December 2022
A Conduit of God's Love
Life Positive

A Conduit of God's Love

Fascinated by Manisha Gawande's account of her transcendental experience with Cheryl Dabhi, Life Positive (Navni Chawla) decides to interview Cheryl and ferret out more information about her life, times, and spiritual philosophy

8 mins  |
December 2022
The Loneliness Of Not Being A Person
Life Positive

The Loneliness Of Not Being A Person

As the identification with his mind diminishes, Ajay Kalra realises that he is more of an empty space in which everything happens.

3 mins  |
November 2022
Life Lessons From The Gita
Life Positive

Life Lessons From The Gita

Archana Raghuram talks about how Vedanta has been repackaged in the Bhagavad Gita to make it relevant to our everyday life situations

5 mins  |
November 2022
Manifesting Your Dreams Through Automatic Writing
Life Positive

Manifesting Your Dreams Through Automatic Writing

How many times have you gone to an astrologer to get your reading done for yourself and your loved ones? Has it really left you satisfied? Did things materialise the way you were told to?

3 mins  |
November 2022
Leakage Control
Life Positive

Leakage Control

Abhay Kumar Shah shares some mudras to treat urinary incontinence, thereby helping patients avoid discomfort and embarrassment, especially women

2 mins  |
November 2022
Play Win-Win
Life Positive

Play Win-Win

Sujatha Rao makes a case for the necessity of the world coming together as one where everyone is a winner!

5 mins  |
November 2022
Face To Face With God
Life Positive

Face To Face With God

Cheryl Dabhi acts as a go-between to connect people to God, thereby solving their problems, as witnessed by Manisha Gawande

5 mins  |
November 2022
Meditation For Beginners
Life Positive

Meditation For Beginners

Darshan Goswami guides beginners on how to meditate and bring happiness in their lives by relieving stress and diseases associated with it.

5 mins  |
November 2022
Sowing The Seed
Life Positive

Sowing The Seed

Navni Chawla explains how harnessing the power of a mantra can nurture our spiritual practice to flower into higher consciousness

6 mins  |
November 2022
Life Positive


You don't have to do anything to be aware, as you are awareness itself. You just have to see this reality clearly, says Ajay Kalra

4 mins  |
November 2022
Inversion Asana
Life Positive

Inversion Asana

To strengthen your limbs and relieve tension, perform the Downward-Facing Dog Pose along with Kamala Venkat

1 min  |
November 2022
Life Positive


It is possible to create beautiful art out of scraps too

1 min  |
November 2022
Life Positive


Donald Fernandez from Goa worked as a sales executive, and in his travels across Goa for promoting his products, he saw many homeless persons on the streets, at bus stops, and near churches and temples, wandering around with their dishevelled looks and shabby clothes.

1 min  |
November 2022