How The Indian Workforce Is Perfectly Poised To Achieve The American Dream

How The Indian Workforce Is Perfectly Poised To Achieve The American Dream

Business management comprises overseeing all facets of a business, from finance and operations to marketing and human resources. Business managers must be trained in leadership, communication, and problem-solving techniques to take an organisation to greater heights

6 mins  |
November 11, 2023
Fostering Ethical Leaders

Fostering Ethical Leaders

The world, of course, needs business professionals and business schools are still the best way to contribute to that end. Perhaps more importantly, however, the world needs “business citizens”. Business schools have the potential to transform students into those types of individuals, a potential that hasn’t been realised enough yet.

10+ mins  |
November 11, 2023
The Fault in Our Synergies

The Fault in Our Synergies

An HR professional fell for a novelist. What happened next will blow your mind. Or maybe not

4 mins  |
November 11, 2023
New Age Courses at XIM University, Bhubaneshwar, are in Tune with the Changing Priorities of Management Education

New Age Courses at XIM University, Bhubaneshwar, are in Tune with the Changing Priorities of Management Education

Founded in the 1980s, Xavier Institute of Management, Bhubaneswar (XIMB) is a premier B school, consistently ranked among the Top 20 in the country. In 2013, it became a full-fledged university offering a host of programs and courses attuned to the needs of the time. In the last 10 years, it has grown by leaps and bounds with its student intake growing from a measly 240 to a staggering 3, 500 now. XIM University has pioneered the introduction of several new age programs, many of which have later been adopted by leading IIMs वof the country. In an interview with Outlook, Dr. Fr. Antony R Uvari, SJ ,Vice Chancellor, XIM University, Bhubaneswar, talks about XIM’s journey so far and the road ahead. Excerpts:

10+ mins  |
November 11, 2023
Compassionate CAPITALISM...

Compassionate CAPITALISM...

...can redefine the role of business in society

4 mins  |
November 11, 2023
What I did not learn...

What I did not learn...

While I remain truly indebted to IIMA where I \"learned to learn\". I wish we learned more about people and how we can build on happiness brick by brick

5 mins  |
November 11, 2023
The Many Shades Of Sita

The Many Shades Of Sita

Like many retellings of the Ramayana, the Sitas in Bollywood films tell divergent stories

7 mins  |
01 November 2023
Strategic Shift

Strategic Shift

The changing contours of India's relations with Palestine

5 mins  |
01 November 2023
Religion, Terror, Nationalism

Religion, Terror, Nationalism

Those struggling for a revolution must realise that terrorism is the weapon of choice of fascism and of pseudo-religious fundamentalism

8 mins  |
01 November 2023
The Women of Gaza

The Women of Gaza

Over 60 per cent of the casualties in the Israel-Gaza war have been women and children. What is it like to be living in Gaza?

3 mins  |
01 November 2023
Blaring Sirens, Numbing Silence

Blaring Sirens, Numbing Silence

When the sirens go off, no matter how calm and rational one tries to be, there is a definite shift in energy in the body. A first-person account

5 mins  |
01 November 2023


The road to peace is becoming more and more tortuous and old strategies are crumbling under the rubble of new conflicts

9 mins  |
01 November 2023
In Memory of Elusive Peace

In Memory of Elusive Peace

For 17 years, I have kept this little memory of him. A frame of the mosque with bullet marks. He had signed his name along with the others. This was in Syracuse University in New York in 2006.

7 mins  |
01 November 2023
The Other Ramayanas

The Other Ramayanas

Pluralistic renditions offer a different narrative of the epic

8 mins  |
01 November 2023
Devi Versus Rakshasi

Devi Versus Rakshasi

The women of Ramayana seem to have been discriminated against, based on their birth, gender, origin, and political belief or background

4 mins  |
01 November 2023
Tapasya of Epic Changemakers

Tapasya of Epic Changemakers

Women in the Ramayana inspire fascinating leadership trends

6 mins  |
01 November 2023
The Lost Queen

The Lost Queen

Each version of the Ramayana gives Ravana's wife a different role and story. But who was the real Mandodari?

5 mins  |
01 November 2023
Faithful Husbands, Faithful Wives

Faithful Husbands, Faithful Wives

Marital fidelity is an important theme in the Ramayana

4 mins  |
01 November 2023
Sita's Sisters

Sita's Sisters

The close bond between Sita, Urmila, Mandavi and Shrutakirti proves that women are not women's enemies-a convenient narrative cultivated through centuries

6 mins  |
01 November 2023
How To Start An SIP?

How To Start An SIP?

Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) is a popular investment method that allows investors to invest a fixed amount of money at regular intervals in mutual funds. It is a disciplined approach to investing and can help individuals to achieve their financial goals over the long term. Here’s how you can start an SIP:

2 mins  |
October 21, 2023
Thumbs Up!

Thumbs Up!

THE slanting sunrays lose their sting of September; they are mellow like the lions in the older national emblem; benign with their thick grinning whiskers; and, not snarling and sabre-toothed like the new avatar. The wind no longer feels like a slap across the face, but a zephyr, its sweet embrace is soothing and languorous, with political pundits trying to gauge which way it’s blowing. Plump Mexican silk cotton flowers twirl down from the high branches, like Vishnu’s Sudarshan Chakra, sans the firepower, landing silently to make a spongy, pink-purple carpet. The neem and the pilkhan have a blow-dried look, the generous rains and the assorted acids in the air have bleached them to an indescribable green. The parakeets and the barbets, the treepies and the hornbills, the doves and the babblers chirp around, merrily flying hither and thither as if they are in Ashoka Vatika.

4 mins  |
October 21, 2023
The Humble Hut that Changed a Nation

The Humble Hut that Changed a Nation

IN the heartland of Rajasthan, nestled on the slope of a spur of the bleak, rock-strewn Aravalli range, lies the quaint village of Devdungri

6 mins  |
October 11, 2023
A Prohibited Touch

A Prohibited Touch

Artist Madhukar Mucharla uses leather art as a medium to depict the socio-cultural issues faced by marginalised communities

4 mins  |
October 11, 2023
Words of Her Own

Words of Her Own

Indian women writers have bravely choosen to tell the tales that were suppressed or silenced by the dominant narrative

4 mins  |
October 11, 2023
Imperfect Images

Imperfect Images

The increased representation of women leaders in Bollywood is a heartening first step, but we await their more complex avatars

5 mins  |
October 11, 2023
How Women LEAD

How Women LEAD

Glimpses of women-led constituencies in Uttar Pradesh provide insights into the way women legislators think and work within a patriarchal system

7 mins  |
October 11, 2023
Natural Farming in the Ganga Basin

Natural Farming in the Ganga Basin

In the middle of a big farmers’ gathering in Bulandshahar, a hand rose, enthusiastically, to say a few words on Natural Farming

5 mins  |
October 11, 2023
A Different Gaze

A Different Gaze

For residents of women-led panchayats in Rajasthan, 33 per cent is not just about numbers in Parliament and state assemblies, it represents a new vision, a new idea, and a different nazariya

9 mins  |
October 11, 2023
Glass Ceilings, Lost Leaders

Glass Ceilings, Lost Leaders

The political odyssey of Dakshayani Velayudhan, KR Gouri and K K Shailaja: Confronting the grip of patriarchy

6 mins  |
October 11, 2023
Success and average don't have anything to do with each other

Success and average don't have anything to do with each other

These quotes are applicable in most aspects of our life. However, in the world of investing, the pursuit of average can actually be fruitful for an individual investor

3 mins  |
October 11, 2023