You Matter
Life Positive

You Matter

A couple is in the middle of their rendezvous, when the boy announces that he will be travelling for a few days.

7 mins  |
February 2024
Set New Targets For 2024
Life Positive

Set New Targets For 2024

Resolutions give us direction as well as the determination to continue to persevere in the achievement of our goals, says Jamuna Rangachari.

7 mins  |
January 2024
How Does Manifestation Work
Life Positive

How Does Manifestation Work

Bijal Maru demystifies the process of manifestation for us by delineating what works in its favour and what does not

8 mins  |
January 2024
Life Positive


We cannot deny the importance of revisiting our past and healing the stuck energies of pain and dysfunctional patterns acquired from our ancestors if we want to move forward on the path of greater felicity and freedom, says Navni Chawla

10 mins  |
January 2024
Life Positive


Save your liver from the on slaught of toxic overload by' adopting the diet and lifestyle recommended here by Naini Setalvad

2 mins  |
January 2024
Astrology Unravelled
Life Positive

Astrology Unravelled

A lot of confusion and scepticism plague astrology, a discipline that has been practised by pundits ever since Vedic times.

10+ mins  |
January 2024
A spirited talk by the Spiritual Scientist
Life Positive

A spirited talk by the Spiritual Scientist

Pradeep Krishnan delves into the life and spiritual philosophy of Sri VSR Moorty, an eloquent scientist and teacher who is known by the sobriquet 'Spiritual Scientist'

10+ mins  |
January 2024
Arrived at Auroville
Life Positive

Arrived at Auroville

Auroville, a township envisaged as the future of the world, is a successful experiment in living in harmony with all the elements of nature, including the diverse species of human beings, says Meghan

4 mins  |
January 2024
Making gold from waste
Life Positive

Making gold from waste

Sandeep Tiwari from Bangalore had a dream of seeing a developed and clean India.

1 min  |
January 2024
Divine Intervention
Life Positive

Divine Intervention

The whole of India was deeply concerned when 41 workers were trapped in the Silkyara tunnel in Uttarkashi for 17 days in November this year.

2 mins  |
January 2024
Hawaiian healing for the whole world
Life Positive

Hawaiian healing for the whole world

Srinivas B from Bangalore shares with Jamuna Rangachari how he extricated himself from a major life crisis using ho'oponopono, a traditional Hawaiian practice of reconciliation and forgiveness

3 mins  |
December 2023
Life Positive's Chennai Sojourn
Life Positive

Life Positive's Chennai Sojourn

The first-ever Life Positive Spiritual Healing Hestival held in Chennai left the participants feeling deeply satisfied and healed, say Shivi Verma and Rangshree Srinivas

8 mins  |
December 2023
Little butterfly takes wing
Life Positive

Little butterfly takes wing

You will warm up to this tale told by Ganesh Pai, of the incredible chemistry between his daughter and her teacher, which led to the child's metamorphosis

6 mins  |
December 2023
Life Positive


If you want to look wonderful for your wedding (or someone else's), use all that Naini Setalvad has to offer in her time-tested make-up kit rooted in nature

3 mins  |
December 2023
Furry Caregivers
Life Positive

Furry Caregivers

Animals and humans have a great bond, and this is being used to good effect in the zone of emotional well-being, says Jamuna Rangachari

6 mins  |
December 2023
Red bushes, Blue roses
Life Positive

Red bushes, Blue roses

Harvinder Kaur clarifies what creativity is all about and emboldens you to stir up your creative juices by sharing a few tips for taking the plunge

9 mins  |
December 2023
The Language of Love
Life Positive

The Language of Love

Intrigued by the book The Five Love Languages, Navni Chawla explores the various dimensions of love languages, including their limitations and misuse

10 mins  |
December 2023
Let your mind heal your body
Life Positive

Let your mind heal your body

Jamuna Rangachari shares examples of how, often, the physical afflictions we suffer have their roots in our mental state. Through a proper understanding and application of this phenomenon, we can live a healthy and disease-free life.

8 mins  |
December 2023
A welcome dose of spirituality at AIIMS
Life Positive

A welcome dose of spirituality at AIIMS

The world is definitely moving towards integration in the body-mind-spirit domain. In the first week of October, the premier government hospital, All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), formed a committee to recommend a plan of action for a department on spiritual medicine.

1 min  |
December 2023
Promoting yoga as a way of life
Life Positive

Promoting yoga as a way of life

There are many yoga centres all over India and even in the world but only some are driven by a completely service-oriented outlook like the Bharatiya Yog Sansthan. Sri Des Rajji the current president, has been with the association since 1985 when he embraced yogic practices as a student (sadhak) within the institution in Delhi.

1 min  |
December 2023
Farewell, Daisaku Ikeda
Life Positive

Farewell, Daisaku Ikeda

I learnt about 'Soka Gakkai' when I was in Delhi and went to visit a friend in a hospital. This group was there to ask if she needed any kind of help.

1 min  |
December 2023
Grains With Maximum Gain
Life Positive

Grains With Maximum Gain

Millets are a boon to mankind in many ways. They nourish the body as well as sustain Mother Earth more than conventional grains, making them a better alternative, says Naini Setalvad

3 mins  |
November 2023
Rising in His love
Life Positive

Rising in His love

God's Love is unfathomable. When He makes you fall, He is, in reality, making you stronger, realises Jarna Kantaria, with deep gratitude

3 mins  |
November 2023
Heartfelt Wisdom
Life Positive

Heartfelt Wisdom

Straight from My Heart by Narinder K Saini, MD, is a transformative guide that combines medical expertise, holistic healing, and a heartfelt mission to prevent heart disease, particularly among individuals from the Indian subcontinent. Dr Saini, a specialist in Internal and Preventive Medicine, brings a unique perspective to the realm of cardiac health, blending his medical knowledge with a holistic approach to well-being.

1 min  |
November 2023
Self-discovery IN SERENE Surroundings
Life Positive

Self-discovery IN SERENE Surroundings

Participants were treated to a wonderful soul-fulfilling experience at The Life Positive Spiritual Festival held at Ramgarh, near Nainital in July. Navni Chawla reports.

6 mins  |
November 2023
The Internet of Things
Life Positive

The Internet of Things

The internet can be a double-edged sword. So learn to use it with wisdom or else it will consume your life, says Sujatha Rao

6 mins  |
November 2023
Dreamers Make a Better World
Life Positive

Dreamers Make a Better World

It is one thing to live in a dreamworld but quite another to live in the real world and make your dreams come true. Jamuna Rangachari takes us through the journeys of such passionate game changers, who, besides winning accolades (including Padma Shris), have won a place in the hearts of the people

10+ mins  |
November 2023
Accountant Spreads Advaita
Life Positive

Accountant Spreads Advaita

Pradeep Krishnan meets chartered accountant turned Advaita Vedanta teacher Shri N Avinashilingam of Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, to find out how the study of Vedanta can help modern man

7 mins  |
November 2023
The Second Brain
Life Positive

The Second Brain

Since the gut is closely connected with your overall well-being, improving its health and keeping it happy makes a lot of sense, says Raji Menon Prakash

4 mins  |
November 2023
Life Positive


If your target is flexibility, then aim for it by stretching like a bow, says Kamala Venkat

1 min  |
November 2023