Heartfulness eMagazine


According to Google, the definition of generosity of the heart is, “One of the ways we come into balance and connection with each other; life is by giving from the heart.

1 min  |
June 2020
From Tolerance to Appreciation
Heartfulness eMagazine

From Tolerance to Appreciation

MARILYN TURKOVICH is the current Executive Director of the Charter for Compassion, which provides an umbrella for people to engage in collaborative partnerships worldwide. In December 2019, she spoke with MEGHANA ANAND about the organization, its partners, and the work done through the Charter in different countries. Marilyn is an educationist-author and writes about world religions and cultures, bringing out their diverse and uniting threads.

10+ mins  |
June 2020
A User's Guide to Living  - Part 6 - TRUTH & AUTHENTICITY
Heartfulness eMagazine

A User's Guide to Living - Part 6 - TRUTH & AUTHENTICITY

DAAJI continues his series on everyday living, introducing the fifth universal principle of the User’s Guide, which is about truthfulness and acceptance of whatever hardships come our way. As a starting point, this fifth principle helps us to live a contented, peaceful life, with acceptance and compassion. Then, as we progress, it guides us towards the ultimate nature of Truth and Reality.

10+ mins  |
June 2020
What Lies Beyond Corona?
Heartfulness eMagazine

What Lies Beyond Corona?

Sanjay Sehgal, CEO of MSys Technologies, looks to the future. How are we preparing now for what is to come after the corona crisis passes? And what do we need to learn about ourselves in order to create a “new normal” that is a better future?

3 mins  |
May 2020
A more refined Humanity
Heartfulness eMagazine

A more refined Humanity

DR. V. RAMAKANTHA is a former Indian Forest Service officer and member of the Green Kanha Initiative at the Heartfulness Community’s Meditation Center at Kanha Shanti Vanam in India. Having spent most of his working life living in forests and jungles, in tune with the natural world, his slant on our current corona crisis is steeped in nature and also in the stories and traditions of ancient India.

5 mins  |
May 2020
Heartfulness eMagazine

A New Vocation

Emma Ivaturi shares some ideas on how we can make ripples of change in the world, through a silent revolution of hearts joining together around the world. We have the opportunity now to discover how connected we really are!

4 mins  |
May 2020
The Color of Children
Heartfulness eMagazine

The Color of Children


1 min  |
May 2020
Together is exactly what we need to be
Heartfulness eMagazine

Together is exactly what we need to be

MAMATA VENKAT mourns the devastating effect of the virus in New York City, yet is completely moved by the way we are all stepping up and taking care of each other. It is showing us what we take for granted, and how much we value the simple things in life.

4 mins  |
May 2020
Heartfulness eMagazine


CHARLES EISENSTEIN examines our current world in COVID-19 crisis, and looks at the questions we need to ask ourselves so that we can move forward into a new society. Here we offer excerpts from Charles’ essay. You can read the full story at

10+ mins  |
May 2020
From Emergency to Emergence
Heartfulness eMagazine

From Emergency to Emergence

DAAJI shares some thoughts and practical tips on how we can do our very best during the current coronavirus pandemic, in order to move from a state of emergency to a state of emergence.

3 mins  |
May 2020
Open Towards Love
Heartfulness eMagazine

Open Towards Love

LLEWELLYN VAUGHAN-LEE explores love in the time of coronavirus, and how those of us with a spiritual practice can turn the results into action, bringing care and compassion into our communities.

3 mins  |
May 2020
Do What Needs to be Done and Change
Heartfulness eMagazine

Do What Needs to be Done and Change

The guru of change management, DR ICHAK ADIZES, shares some thoughts on how to make the most of the current world crisis and prepare for the future – as individuals, families, companies, nationals and humanity as a whole.

7 mins  |
May 2020
Day 7
Heartfulness eMagazine

Day 7

ELISABETH HOWER is like many other young people in the US who have found themselves suddenly out of work and wondering how to navigate the new landscape of their lives. Here she shares her experience of Day 7 of quarantine.

4 mins  |
May 2020
The Secret of Success
Heartfulness eMagazine

The Secret of Success

Madhusudan Reddy explores how success comes through discipline, and provides simple effective ways of cultivating that discipline in daily life.

3 mins  |
April 2020
Heartfulness eMagazine

The Heartfulness Practices

These practices complement one another.

6 mins  |
Simple Heartfulness Practices
Heartfulness eMagazine

Stress Detox

Life is a continuous process of facing and solving problems and challenges, as we are living in a VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous) world, and sometimes it is overwhelming.

5 mins  |
Simple Heartfulness Practices
Heartfulness eMagazine

Questions On Trainers

The main purpose of learning from a trainer is for them to impart yogic Transmission.

2 mins  |
Simple Heartfulness Practices
Heartfulness eMagazine

Questions On Lifestyle

The name Sahaj Marg, or natural path, says it all.

10+ mins  |
Simple Heartfulness Practices
Heartfulness eMagazine

Questions On Heartfulness

Heartfulness is a heart-centered approach to life, where you will ideally be able to live each moment by the heart.

10+ mins  |
Simple Heartfulness Practices
Heartfulness eMagazine

Questions On Meditation

The essential principle of meditation is that you become what you meditate upon.

8 mins  |
Simple Heartfulness Practices
Heartfulness eMagazine

Questions On Cleaning

Cleaning is a way to remove the emotional burdens that we carry on a daily basis.

3 mins  |
Simple Heartfulness Practices
Heartfulness eMagazine

Krodha (Anger) Detox

If misused, the fire of anger can destroy a happy family, friendship and peace of mind.

6 mins  |
Simple Heartfulness Practices
Heartfulness eMagazine

Kama (Sex) Detox

Kama or sensual passion is natural, and necessary for the continuation of all species.

4 mins  |
Simple Heartfulness Practices
Heartfulness eMagazine

Fear Detox

Fear is one of our fundamental emotions. Fear can affect our physical, mental and emotional well-being in many ways.

7 mins  |
Simple Heartfulness Practices
Heartfulness eMagazine

Spreading Happiness

In this exclusive interview, MICHEL LECLERCQ, the founder of DECATHLON, speaks with CHRISTINE MOLLE. DECATHLON is the world’s largest sporting goods retailer, and has over 1,400 sports shops in 47 countries. Michel’s motto for DECATHLON is, “The pleasures and the benefits of sport for the greatest number.”

9 mins  |
April 2020
Heartfulness eMagazine


In La Thuile, Italy, the Audi FIS Alpine Ski World Cup was held from 29 February to 1 March 2020. Here, SYLVIE BERTI ROSSI and RUBEN MONTAGNOLI share their experience as Heartfulness trainers at the event.

4 mins  |
April 2020
Heartfulness eMagazine

The Beauty of SPORT

PAULO LEZZELLE looks at the noble value sport has as a human endeavor, and how we can all benefit from the quest for wellbeing, aspiration and continuous improvement.

3 mins  |
April 2020
Sport, Excellence and Joy
Heartfulness eMagazine

Sport, Excellence and Joy

GIUSEPPE DOTTORINI recently travelled to New York with the Italian National Basketball Artists to participate, as well as to offer Heartfulness Relaxation and Meditation to all the players, coaches and spectators, of the Italian Brands Basketball League. He shares the experience of combining relaxation and meditation practices before each game of the competition.

3 mins  |
April 2020
Heartfulness eMagazine


Youth icon, sportswoman, and multi-award recipient, P.V. SINDHU has many national and international titles under her belt, the latest being the 2019 World Badminton Championships. A never-say-never attitude, a magnetic smile and twinkling eyes, she is an epitome of humbleness and graceful poise. Here she speaks with SATYA SAHAY at the inauguration of the P.V. Sindhu Badminton Academy at the Lalaji Memorial Omega International School in Chennai.

10 mins  |
April 2020
Heartfulness eMagazine

Leave It Behind THE BASELINE

MAMATA VENKAT has learnt a lot about herself from playing tennis. Especially, it taught her how to let go of imperfections and move forward in a healthy way towards continuous improvement in all aspects of life.

4 mins  |
April 2020