Discover Gin- All Issues

Here is your essential guide to all the glories of gin. As you turn the pages you will discover fascinating facts, provocative history and downright quirky stuff about gins, old and new. This guide takes you from its origins, when gin was used as a medicine, through the time when it was labelled Mother’s Ruin and the days of the Gin Palaces to the incredible resurgence of the popularity that exists today. You’ll see how the juniper berry has fascinated and intrigued everyone from multi-million global companies to small hand-crafted concerns who distil their gins in their own home! This book shows how the wonders of gin go on and on. From those flavoured with the likes of tree bark and seaweed to ones where more exotic elements, such as frankincense and myrrh are employed. So relax, pour a gin cocktail – you’ll be amazed by how many there are! – and drink in this toast to one of the world’s favourite tipples.