The Odds Of Getting Even
People Matters

The Odds Of Getting Even

With Indra Nooyi being replaced by Ramon Laguarta, the problem of low women representation in top jobs has returned to the limelight. We take a deeper look at the problem and what are some of its root causes.

5 mins  |
September 2018
Prevention Of Sexual Harassment At Workplace: Lessons From Case Laws
People Matters

Prevention Of Sexual Harassment At Workplace: Lessons From Case Laws

Sexual harassment at workplace remains a highly sensitive issue despite the POSH Act of 2013 establishing clear guidelines. A look at the judicial interpretation being adopted by courts in cases related to sexual harassment at the workplace

6 mins  |
September 2018
Redesigning Roles Creatively - Finding The Whats, The Whys, And The Hows Of Roles
People Matters

Redesigning Roles Creatively - Finding The Whats, The Whys, And The Hows Of Roles

Product designers use Design Thinking to build products and services. Can we use it to reimagine roles from the employees point of view?

3 mins  |
September 2018
The 'STREAM' Framework for Enabling and Achieving Sustainable HR Agility
People Matters

The 'STREAM' Framework for Enabling and Achieving Sustainable HR Agility

The STREAM framework can be used to enable and achieve sustainable HR agility

5 mins  |
September 2018
Diversity Is Business For Us
People Matters

Diversity Is Business For Us

In a special interaction with People Matters, Elaine Lin Vice President, HRAPAC, Baxter International, Ravinder Dang, General Manager India, Baxter International, and Gautam Kumar, Director Human Resources Emerging Asia, Baxter International spill the beans on how Baxter differentiates on its Employee Value Proposition and why diversity is business and not a mandate for the organization.

7 mins  |
September 2018
Tyranny Of Precedence
People Matters

Tyranny Of Precedence

As HR professionals, we are often reminded to think twice before acting, for that might set precedence. In todays times, when agility and speed are valued, how does one act with urgency without the worry of setting precedence that weighs us down?

4 mins  |
September 2018
CHROs Hold The Opportunity To Impact
People Matters

CHROs Hold The Opportunity To Impact

In a special conversation with People Matters, Eva Sage-Gavin, Senior Managing Director, Global Talent and Organization Practice, Accenture, shares her perspectives on the evolving equation between the businesses and CHROs, harnessing the power of digital technologies to innovate, unlock new sources of value, and reinventing the role of the CHRO for the future.

5 mins  |
October 2018
There Is An Elephant In The Room - And The Blind Men Of Indostan Can't See It
People Matters

There Is An Elephant In The Room - And The Blind Men Of Indostan Can't See It

By closing our eyes to the most underprivileged quartile of our population, the Dalits and Tribals, are we depriving ourselves of a major opportunity to expand our potential pool of talent and laying ourselves open to the threat of crude legislative action that will hamstring India’s private sector for decades?

10 mins  |
October 2018
Can India Be An AI Powerhouse?
People Matters

Can India Be An AI Powerhouse?

With AI alone generating over 2.3 million jobs worldwide by 2020, India's ambition to carve a niche for itself in an increasingly AI-driven world is becoming a reality. Let’s take a closer look at how AI revolution is impacting Indian jobs and the workforce.

4 mins  |
October 2018
The Road From Strategy To Implementation
People Matters

The Road From Strategy To Implementation

In an exclusive interaction with People Matters, RICARDO VIANA VARGAS, Executive Director of the Brightline Initiative™, talks about bridging the gap between strategy development and implementation, and about transforming the future.

9 mins  |
December 2018
Jobs Of The Future: Where Are They Headed?
People Matters

Jobs Of The Future: Where Are They Headed?

Governments and organizations have started waking up to the reality that jobs are going to change in the future. So what exactly is the future of our jobs? And more importantly, are we prepared for it?

4 mins  |
December 2018
Picking Up The Pace
People Matters

Picking Up The Pace

After a challenging 2017, the Indian IT Industry has scripted an impressive turnaround this year. Every objective parameter indicates that the sector is growing and is expected to continue on this trajectory in the near future.

5 mins  |
December 2018
Tech Or Touch Pick One...Or Both!
People Matters

Tech Or Touch Pick One...Or Both!

No matter how much technology you have in your arsenal, you can’t replace the power of human touch! And as technology’s ceaseless onslaught creates unfathomed opportunities for both the employers and the workers, the importance of the human element has never been clearer. Robots will take jobs away, but in the foreseeable future, humans will most definitely make the crucial decisions about talent. So what does it take to strike the perfect balance between HR tech and a human-based experience?

10+ mins  |
People Matters - August 2018
The Real Labor Cost & Burden Of Benefits
People Matters

The Real Labor Cost & Burden Of Benefits

The Maternity Benefit (Amendment) Act 2017 brought in some sweeping changes to what companies are now liable to provide to their female employees. But are companies prepared to face and bear such changes?

5 mins  |
People Matters - August 2018
The Cost Chaos!
People Matters

The Cost Chaos!

Mercer’s 2018 Cost of Living Survey rankings demonstrate how increasing cost of living in various parts of the world is affecting organizations in terms of deploying talent and is also impacting the cost of doing business in various cities around the world.

4 mins  |
August 2018
A Quintessential Capability-Led Transformation
People Matters

A Quintessential Capability-Led Transformation

In an exclusive interaction with People Matters, Lee Yan Hong, CHRO of DBS Bank shares the fundamentals of DBS’s journey of digital transformation, differentiating in a dynamic industry, putting customers at the center of everything, and keeping employees at the heart of banking

6 mins  |
August 2018
A Subtle Interplay - The Digital Mind & Analog Thinking
People Matters

A Subtle Interplay - The Digital Mind & Analog Thinking

Digital technology has moved from being an optional chapter in physics to a compulsory section in life called ‘earning a livelihood’. But do we still need to have an analog mind to find new things?

4 mins  |
August 2018
Email, As Cold As The Cold War
People Matters

Email, As Cold As The Cold War

Allowing for greater touch in computer-mediated communication can extend to people management instruments to attract better talent into business and to dissolve the current high-tech vs. high-touch paradox.

3 mins  |
August 2018
Leading To Transform; Transforming To Lead
People Matters

Leading To Transform; Transforming To Lead

In an exclusive interaction with People Matters, SUPHACHAI CHEARAVANONT, CEO, Charoen Pokphand Group Co., Ltd. (C.P. Group) and Chairman of the Executive Committee, True Corporation Plc., renders his perspectives and insights on the focus of the group on transforming the conglomerate to a digital organization, strengthening the talent mix to transform ideas and vision into reality, and the Group’s commitment to building a more sustainable living for a better tomorrow

7 mins  |
January 2019
Endure To Recharge - The Art Of Resilient Leadership
People Matters

Endure To Recharge - The Art Of Resilient Leadership

In an exclusive interaction with People Matters, Michael Jenkins, CEO of Human Capital Leadership Institute (HCLI) shares his perspectives on his own notions of leadership, the power of resilience, the leadership landscape of South East Asia, and how leadership development will unfold in the next five years

8 mins  |
January 2019
We Want People To Use Their Education For Innovation
People Matters

We Want People To Use Their Education For Innovation

In an interaction with People Matters, Kathleen Mullaney, Vice President of Careers at Udacity, talks about the changing skills landscape, building a culture of continuous learning and the role of knowledge management professionals

5 mins  |
January 2019
Low Effort, High Impact HR
People Matters

Low Effort, High Impact HR

Alight’s State of HR Transformation Study 2018-19 explores the quest for Low Effort, High Impact HR—an agile approach to transformation that is geared towards reducing the transactional burden on the HR function, and creating value through a focus on outcomes that matter to both businesses and talent

10+ mins  |
January 2019
Leading Without Authority
People Matters

Leading Without Authority

With flattening hierarchies, an increasing number of leaders are occupying roles without a formal, positional power and are required to positively engage with, influence, and lead others without being directive or coercive. A look at this leadership trend!

3 mins  |
January 2019
Power And Millennials
People Matters

Power And Millennials

What happens when a generation that does not have ‘power’ as a drive gets managed and led by those who are driven by power?

4 mins  |
January 2019
The Real Picture Of Technological Unemployment
People Matters

The Real Picture Of Technological Unemployment

With many studies projecting a pessimistic future where technology would automate most human jobs, a recent World Bank report paints a clearer picture of the complicated nature of technological unemployment.

5 mins  |
February 2019
Gearing Up For An Accelerated Pace Of Change
People Matters

Gearing Up For An Accelerated Pace Of Change

The Workforce Institute at Kronos predicts that 2019 is set to be the year where organizations will accelerate their journeys to be agile and begin using the knowledge, insights, and lessons that have been learned in the last few years. Here is a snapshot of what is predicted!

5 mins  |
February 2019
Go Beyond Performance Management To Create Emotional Investments
People Matters

Go Beyond Performance Management To Create Emotional Investments

How do you find valuable members for an organization and ensure that every person is able to find their passion, performance reward, and allegiance?

6 mins  |
April 2019
Indra Nooyi The Departure Of A Gerent
People Matters

Indra Nooyi The Departure Of A Gerent

Nooyi Played an Instrumental Role in Reshaping and Restructuring Pepsico, and During Her 12-year Tenure as the Ceo of the Company, Pepsicos Sales Grew by 80 Percent.

2 mins  |
September 2018
Moving Towards Conscious Change
People Matters

Moving Towards Conscious Change

In exclusive interactions with People Matters during the TechHR Conference 2018, SUNIL SOOD, MD and CEO of Vodafone India shared his perspectives on the trends shaping the telecom industry, force-fitting a mindset of change, and HR as the true business partner.

4 mins  |
September 2018
Expanding The Margins Of Corporate Citizenship Employee Volunteering
People Matters

Expanding The Margins Of Corporate Citizenship Employee Volunteering

An Employee Volunteering Program creates a win-win situation for the employees, community, and the business. Here is how you can strategize your next volunteering event to align the interests of these key stakeholders of the Corporate Social Program.

4 mins  |
September 2018