Food Lovers- All Issues

Food Lovers’ is India’s finest food magazine dedicated to a celebration of food, wine and everything connected to the world of fine dining and gastronomy. A magazine created specifically for those who like to delve deep and indulge in their passion for food, wine and gastronomy. Though this magazine is created for the discerning reader, it has enough and more to embrace the thousands of aspiring connoisseurs who are exploring food like never before. Thanks to the opening of noteworthy restaurants, particularly in the freestanding space, the availability of quality wines, including some commendable domestic labels, and the awareness of it all, heightened greatly by media. We live in exciting culinary times, and Food Lovers hopes to be at the forefront of this movement with this magazine. Each and every article in Food Lovers – restaurant reviews, wine notes, food and wine pairings, recipes, gourmet trails, essays, interviews and more – is carefully curated and pieced together. Making this issue and every subsequent one that follows a keepsake.