Tania de Jong _ a healing note

Tania de Jong _ a healing note

With the voice of an angel, the heart of a lion and the soul of a mystic, Tania de Jong AM leads a varied and productive life. She is a gifted soprano with an entrepreneurial flair and a passion for giving. Having built numerous businesses, performed in countless venues, released many CDs and established three charities, her latest vision is to transform the treatment of mental illness in Australia.

10+ mins  |
Conscious parenting

Conscious parenting

Conscious parenting is a radically diff erent approach to raising children that can be healing for the whole family.

9 mins  |
The Attraction Equation

The Attraction Equation

The attraction between two people might seem like an intangible, indefinable thing but that hasn’t stopped an exhaustive search to discover the basis of human attraction. Here we take a look at the components of that complex attraction equation.

10 mins  |
Issue 189
Soul Growth And Your Age

Soul Growth And Your Age

Every age has a special topic and theme according to the astrological wheel of life. According to your age and the ancient Greek technique of profections, find out when you should focus on areas like money, family, health, relationships and your career.

8 mins  |
Issue 189
Special Report: Building Emotional And Psychological Wellness

Special Report: Building Emotional And Psychological Wellness

Life is an opportunity to experience joy, love and create. We’re also liable to suffer along the way, and the global pandemic has presented many challenges to emotional and mental health. Here’s what the latest research shows you can do to overcome depression, anxiety and other psychological problems.

7 mins  |
Issue 189
Beyond Fast Furniture

Beyond Fast Furniture

By adding handmade pieces into your home and avoiding cheap mass-produced options, you will enrich your spaces with meaningful objects that are worth keeping and passing down to future generations.

9 mins  |
Issue 189
The Cornersmith Guide To A More Sustainable Kitchen

The Cornersmith Guide To A More Sustainable Kitchen

Alex Elliott-Howery and Jaimee Edwards have joined forces to bring you Use It All: The Cornersmith Guide to a More Sustainable Kitchen. For years, the duo experimented with food — in their home kitchens as well as at their Sydney café, Cornersmith. Now it’s time for a cookbook sharing their love of fermenting, offcuts and waste hacks. Sharing over 230 recipes, the authors keep meals affordable, delicious and free from a hefty carbon footprint. Use It All offers alternative flavour combinations so you can stay versatile in your ingredient selection, cater for dietary requirements and avoid boredom in the kitchen. With beautiful imagery by photographer Cath Muscat, Elliot-Howery and Edwards’ cookbook will help you rethink your spending without reducing the amount of food that you consume. The book not only delivers scrumptious recipes, it also teaches you how to decrease your food waste and navigate your weekly seasonal shop. A must-have for anyone looking to make more with what they’ve got in the pantry or fridge.

6 mins  |
Issue 189
A Green Kitchen Story

A Green Kitchen Story

David Frenkiel and Luise Vindahl are the Scandinavian duo at the helm of Green Kitchen Stories. Their simple, healthy and modern take on vegetarian food is influencing green stories in kitchens around the world.

10 mins  |
Issue 189
Hormones For Healthy Hair, Skin And Nails

Hormones For Healthy Hair, Skin And Nails

Hair loss, adult acne and brittle nails can often mean your hormones aren’t happy. Find out how to rebalance your body’s chemical messengers through food, exercise, stress reduction techniques and more.

8 mins  |
Issue 189
Screenplay: Healthy Or Not?

Screenplay: Healthy Or Not?

The World Health Organisation has released new guidelines recommending no screen time at all for children under two years and no more than one hour per day for children between the ages of two and four. Of course, banning screen time is easier said than done in a world that is entrenched in technology. What is a realistic balance of screen time versus other activities? How can you manage it if older children are permitted screen time? We take a look.

10 mins  |
Issue 189
5 Greet Places To Greet The Sun

5 Greet Places To Greet The Sun

In South Australia, you’ll find countless places to rise and shine, but this pick of lesser-known spots is for lovers of the path less travelled.

10 mins  |
Issue 189
Magic in the mundane

Magic in the mundane

The world has shifted on its axis, but we must still indulge in life’s pockets of pleasures. Joy is not frivolous; it’s necessary to staying sane and sanguine during turbulent times — and you don’t have to look far to find it.

7 mins  |
Issue 189
Every Breath You Take

Every Breath You Take

The 2020 bushfires and COVID-19 drew a national gasp of attention to the importance of clean air, and an organ central to your health and wellbeing: your lungs.

10+ mins  |
Issue 188
The Healthy Non-Toxic Kitchen

The Healthy Non-Toxic Kitchen

Along with being the hub and heart of a home, your kitchen can be an unintentional source of daily toxins and chemicals. Here’s how to eliminate them and craft the ultimate low-toxic food prep zone.

9 mins  |
Issue 188
How To Be Magnetic

How To Be Magnetic

Instantly apparent but almost impossible to quantify, is charisma an innate quality or can you learn how to be magnetic?

5 mins  |
Issue 188
Feed Your Brain

Feed Your Brain

We now know that your brain continues to develop throughout your lifetime, and many studies link how well your brain ages with the foods you eat. So here are some of the foods that will not only be delicious, but will also nourish your neurons.

8 mins  |
Issue 188
Beauty From The Pantry

Beauty From The Pantry

We take a peek inside the pantry and discover how everyday staples like oats, honey, olive oil and brown sugar can be used to soothe, beautify and heal the skin.

8 mins  |
Issue 188
Turning the lights on

Turning the lights on

Australian entrepreneur Katerina Kimmorley’s pioneering work has made a significant difference to global poverty and climate change. We speak to her about providing solar lighting to slum communities across India and Nepal, how Australia can become a clean superpower in the energy sector and so much more.

9 mins  |
Issue 188
Lessons from the Blue Zones

Lessons from the Blue Zones

Blue Zones are regions of the planet where a high proportion of people live to be over 100 years old. Here, we reveal the secrets for living a happy, healthy and long life and how you can integrate lessons from the Blue Zones into your own way of living.

9 mins  |
Issue 188
Playing in the dirt

Playing in the dirt

Parents, does picturing your children covered in mud make you shudder? In this article, we explore why parents struggle with outdoor playtime despite the persistent expert advice telling them to get their kids outside more.

8 mins  |
Issue 188
Is there power in protest?

Is there power in protest?

From pro-democracy demonstrations in Hong Kong to climate strikes to Black Lives Matter, mass protests are on the rise globally, but in an increasingly digital world have marches lost their power?

7 mins  |
Issue 188
Critiquing criticism

Critiquing criticism

Criticism is an inevitable component of life, but being prepared for it, and having strategies to deal with it, can help you turn the potential pain of criticism into gold.

10+ mins  |
Issue 188
Winter Beauty Woes

Winter Beauty Woes

Natural beauty tips and foods to reduce dry hair, skin and nails throughout the winter months.

7 mins  |
Issue 187
Yoga For A Broken Heart

Yoga For A Broken Heart

When your heart is broken, you still need to continue to live. Learn how the philosophy and practical application of yoga can support you in that process.

8 mins  |
Issue 187

WellBeing's 6 Favourite Climate Revivalists

In WellBeing we no longer talk about “climate change” because that is the language of persuasion and we are past that point. The climate crisis is real and we now talk about climate revival, the positive philosophies and actions that will help us all save the future. In keeping with that positive direction here we celebrate six of our favourite climate revivalists. These are not the only people we could have included here, they are not better than others, and the list is not exhaustive. These people are however undeniably worth acknowledging for their vision, their dedication and their skill.

10+ mins  |
Issue 187
Let's Get Physical

Let's Get Physical

“Move it or lose it” goes the saying. But it’s important to make the right moves. Exercise can either energise or exhaust you. Heal or harm you. Awareness and expert advice enables you to increase strength, suppleness, stability and stamina without risking repercussions.

10+ mins  |
Issue 187
Cultivating A Safe Home

Cultivating A Safe Home

Do you feel anxious at home or relaxed and secure? A few design tweaks and practices can help give your home the feel of a safe cave and refuge.

10 mins  |
Issue 187
Helping A Friend Through A Break-Up

Helping A Friend Through A Break-Up

A relationship break-up can require a lot of support, with friends often the first people involved in the healing process. Read some of the ways you can help a friend through a split.

9 mins  |
Issue 187

The bad news blues

As doubt about climate change has diminished, it has been replaced by panic, anxiety, resignation, fatigue, guilt, outrage and disconnect. This phenomenon has been dubbed “eco-anxiety”, an unease that is particularly prominent among the younger generations and parents of young children. So, how do you and your children cope?

9 mins  |
Issue 187
Sustainable forestry

Sustainable forestry

Intact tropical forests are wonderful carbon sinks. However, if our forests continue to be destroyed or illegally logged, they could become net carbon sources and pose an additional threat to a stable climate.

8 mins  |
Issue 187