GOANNA ATTACK 'You saved my life'
That's Life Magazines|January 26, 2023
Julie saved her hubby when she fought a predator in her own backyard
- Lisa Brookman
GOANNA ATTACK 'You saved my life'

Julie Eggers, 67, Whitsundays, Qld

As my dogs jumped up and down, I smiled at how excited they were as my husband Reg, then 73, opened the kitchen door.

It was 3.30pm, and Lily, our then nine-year-old rough-coated Jack Russell and Lily's son Billy, six, licked Reg's fingers.

Then, in a flash, the dogs bolted out the door.

Living on five acres in the beautiful virgin rainforest of the Whitsundays, Qld, it was our slice of paradise.

Bush turkeys, snakes and goannas often came to visit, so we always checked the backyard and never let the dogs out unsupervised.

Lily was one tough little dog. After a run-in with a goanna years before, she was 80 per cent blind in one eye.

Now August 2019, Reg followed the dogs into the garden. I thought nothing of it until I heard shouting.

'Julie!' Reg cried.

Glancing out the back door, I gasped in horror.

A metre-and-a-half-long goanna was in the garden and brave Lily was on its back.

With its sharp teeth and powerful claws and tail, I could see it was dangerously close to Reg.

Reg was lying on the ground, blood pouring from his right ankle and wrist.

The goanna had bitten Reg with its razor-sharp teeth.

Reg lay clutching his foot, while, with the other hand, he was trying to pull Lily off the back of the reptile. Billy was cowering nearby.

Without thinking, I ran over and put my foot on the goanna's back hoping Reg and Lily could get away.

この蚘事は That's Life Magazines の January 26, 2023 版に掲茉されおいたす。

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この蚘事は That's Life Magazines の January 26, 2023 版に掲茉されおいたす。

7 日間の Magzter GOLD 無料トラむアルを開始しお、䜕千もの厳遞されたプレミアム ストヌリヌ、8,500 以䞊の雑誌や新聞にアクセスしおください。