The Challange Is in the Evolving, not in the Being

The Challange Is in the Evolving, not in the Being

As captain of a team, Virat Kohli has proved MORE THAN ADEQUATE, but his true test will come when he has to be a leader of men. Until such time, though,Indian cricket will make the most of a captain who is not weighed down by additional responsibility, and take as many runs in winning causes as it can possibly get.

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December 31, 2016
Aha! What A Wait It Was For The Wicketkeeping Bus!

Aha! What A Wait It Was For The Wicketkeeping Bus!

His skipper, Virat Kohli, says he is THE BEST RIGHT NOW; Wriddhiman Saha — the India Test wicketkeeper — shares insights into his life.

5 mins  |
November 18, 2017
'What Do We Gain From Making Cricket A Worldwide Sport?'

'What Do We Gain From Making Cricket A Worldwide Sport?'

Writer-­supreme and cricket historian Gideon Haigh, ever alert to the SHAPE­ SHIFTING WAYS OF THE GAME, was in India recently, and in an informal interaction with senior journalists at The Hindu’s head office, he spoke extensively about cricket’s current state, its governance issues and the challenges posed by the Twenty20 format.

4 mins  |
November 18, 2017
ISL: Time We Saw Some Gains For Indian Football

ISL: Time We Saw Some Gains For Indian Football

Though it has created a considerable amount of excitement, the ISL has done little to yank the country’s football from the VICIOUS GRIP OF MEDIOCRITY. But the reduction of the number of foreigners in the squad from 11 to eight, and five in the playing XI should open more doors for Indian players to showcase their talent.

5 mins  |
November 25,2017
Chartbuster! Tracing the IPL Economics and the Reasons for Success

Chartbuster! Tracing the IPL Economics and the Reasons for Success

Be it on-air sales for HOST BROADCASTER Sony Pictures Networks India, sponsorship revenues the eight franchises will pull in, or on gate receipts, IPL 10 will set new benchmarks.

6 mins  |
April 8, 2017
A Game Of Emotion

A Game Of Emotion

These days, CAMARADERIE, rather than conflict, mark the men’s and women’s tours. At the end of matches, hugs and pats on the back have replaced perfunctory handshakes at the net — often even by bitterly disappointed losers.

7 mins  |
June 17, 2017
Where Necessity Leads To Desire!

Where Necessity Leads To Desire!

In the IPL, with a cap on the number of overseas players and the paucity of Indian options in certain roles — notably that of the seam-bowling all-rounder and the fast bowler — it is only natural that certain cricketers should ATTRACT BIGGER BIDS than others. The 2017 auction was not a major one in relative terms: squads had only 77 slots remaining and the eight franchises had a total of Rs. 148.33 crore to spend. Teams had gaps to plug and arrived with specific players in mind. 

5 mins  |
March 11, 2017
He Played Cricket Differently And Quite Effectively ,Too

He Played Cricket Differently And Quite Effectively ,Too

“I have said goodbye to international cricket. I have played with seriousness and in a professional way for my country,” said former Pakistan captain SHAHID AFRIDI in Sharjah.

3 mins  |
March 11, 2017
Man With a Mission

Man With a Mission

“MY AIM IS TO EXPAND HOCKEY and that can be in Asia, Europe, Africa or Oceania. Marketing the sport and extending its reach are the lines that I am focussing on. This is what I would like to do for the next four years,” says Narinder Batra, the new FIH president, in a chat with UTHRA GANESAN.

4 mins  |
March 18, 2017
A Place In The Pantheon

A Place In The Pantheon

The current crop of Madrid players and their coach may not be loved much, but they have come to define the last few seasons of the Champions League.

4 mins  |
June 16, 2018
Marred By Political Differences And Corruption Charges

Marred By Political Differences And Corruption Charges

The football World Cup is just round the corner. Every edition has had its moments to remember. The second and final part — covering the period from 1978 to 2014 — of the series.

2 mins  |
June 16, 2018
Paolo Rossi On A Roll

Paolo Rossi On A Roll

Silencing his critics: Paolo Rossi was the architect of Italy’s title triumph in 1982. 

2 mins  |
June 16, 2018
Maradona And The ‘Hand Of God'

Maradona And The ‘Hand Of God'

Magician or cheat? Argentina’s Diego Maradona has his left hand at the ball’s level as he scores the controversial first goal, beating English goalkeeper Peter Shilton in the quarterfinals at Azteca Stadium in Mexico City on June 24, 1986. Argentina won 2­1.

2 mins  |
June 16, 2018
The Emergence Of Cameroon 1990

The Emergence Of Cameroon 1990

The Emergence Of Cameroon 1990

2 mins  |
June 16, 2018
Surprises And El Diego's Suspension

Surprises And El Diego's Suspension

Joy and despair: Brazil goalkeeper Claudio Taffarel celebrates after Roberto Baggio of Italy missed his penalty to decide the World Cup final in 1994.

2 mins  |
June 16, 2018
A First For France

A First For France

Celebration time: The French team with the trophy after defeating Brazil 3­0 in the final. 

2 mins  |
June 16, 2018
Mercedes Gathers What Ferrari Spills

Mercedes Gathers What Ferrari Spills

Sebastian Vettel was THE BIGGEST LOSER after he gambled with an early stop for dry tyres during the virtual safety car period. But immediately after, the actual safety car came out, allowing cars ahead of him to change tyres without losing much time. And here is where the Scuderia lost out.

2 mins  |
April 22, 2017
Sangli's Gift To Women's Cricket

Sangli's Gift To Women's Cricket

“Individually, this performance in the World Cup will motivate each of us to do well. That people have supported us so much is a GREAT BOOST for all of us. It will definitely inspire all the players to do even better in the future,” Smriti Mandhana tells SHAYAN ACHARYA.

7 mins  |
September 16, 2017
Lindsay Davenport's New Port Of Call

Lindsay Davenport's New Port Of Call

Plenty of well-known male players have transitioned to part-time coaching, and TAKING A CUE FROM THEM are a handful of female coaches, who have been guiding players ranked in the WTA’s top 20.

6 mins  |
September 16, 2017
Seeking A Golden Hue, Australia In Yellow Comes To India!

Seeking A Golden Hue, Australia In Yellow Comes To India!

There have been pleasing signs from Australia since their REMAKING OF THE TEAM after the Hobart debacle against South Africa last November, but it is still a work in progress. A successful tour of India springboarding to Ashes reclamation could see Australia legitimately back in business.

3 mins  |
September 23, 2017
ODIs Losing Their Sheen

ODIs Losing Their Sheen

The cricket world might see a DRAMATIC REDUCTION OF ODI MATCHES and an increase of T20 contests. On the lines of the ODI matches, one can’t rule out a T20 tri-series even though there could be resistance from the ICC.

4 mins  |
September 23, 2017
Tier 1, Tier 2... Worth A Try!

Tier 1, Tier 2... Worth A Try!

I believe there needs to be a shake-up in the FUNDAMENTAL SET-UP of Test cricket’s structure. Plaguing the structure today is the difference in the performance levels of the top half and the bottom half of Test-playing nations.

4 mins  |
September 23, 2017
The Way Forward For Sports Federations

The Way Forward For Sports Federations

For an aspiring sports nation like India, REGULATING its sport administration is no longer an option. It is, in fact, a priority, writes NANDAN KAMATH.

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September 30, 2017
'The Code Should Conform To The Olympic Charter'

'The Code Should Conform To The Olympic Charter'

Most sports officials and administrators are open to having a new National Sports Development Code. They welcome it as long as it ENSURES TRANSPARENCY AND CLEAN GOVERNANCE.

3 mins  |
September 30, 2017
Taking The Sport Beyond The Metros

Taking The Sport Beyond The Metros

The hyper-local leagues like the KPL and the TNPL play twin roles: they act as the feeder for both the IPL teams and state squads, and they help in SPREADING THE GAME TO THE REMOTE AREAS of the state.

4 mins  |
September 30, 2017
'Europe Can Buy Players, But They Cannot Buy Style'

'Europe Can Buy Players, But They Cannot Buy Style'

Carlos Valderrama retired 15 years ago, but still RETAINS THE SPIRIT and the zest for the game that typified his image as a player. The Colombian talks to AMITABHA DAS SHARMA about football evolution.

4 mins  |
September 30, 2017
Raising The Roof, IPL Style!

Raising The Roof, IPL Style!

Raising The Roof, IPL Style!

4 mins  |
May 5, 2018
One Disappointment after another

One Disappointment after another

The journey of a few Indian athletes — SOME OF THEM STRONG MEDAL CONTENDERS — came to a premature end. We take a look at India’s performance in Rio over the first two days of competition.

3 mins  |
August 20, 2016
Rafael... From Rags To Riches!

Rafael... From Rags To Riches!

Rafaela Silva HELPED BRAZIL FEEL ECSTATIC when she won the gold in judo in the women’s 57 kg category. It also brought hope to the deprived of Brazil; Rafaela, a victim of racism, had grown up in the infamous City of God slum.

6 mins  |
August 27, 2016
 'A Coach Should Be A Friend'

'A Coach Should Be A Friend'

“Test cricket has always remained the same, but the batsmen’s thinking has changed because of a lot of Twenty20 cricket. Now they take more risks in Test matches,” says Virender Sehwag in a chat with Sudatta Mukherjee.

6 mins  |
August 27, 2016