Alison Bechdel's Spiritual Sprint
The Atlantic

Alison Bechdel's Spiritual Sprint

In her new memoir, the cartoonist runs, climbs, bikes, skis, spins, and Solo exes her way toward transcendence.

6 mins  |
June 2021
Purgatory At Sea
The Atlantic

Purgatory At Sea

Off the coast of Italy, cruise ships are being repurposed as holding pens for migrants rescued from the mediterranean.

10+ mins  |
June 2021
How To End Extreme Child Poverty
The Atlantic

How To End Extreme Child Poverty

Buried deep in the latest pandemic stimulus package is a transformative approach to helping families.

10+ mins  |
June 2021
Burn All The Leggings
The Atlantic

Burn All The Leggings

What do you wear to the reopening of society?

9 mins  |
June 2021
The Awful Wisdom of the Hostage
The Atlantic

The Awful Wisdom of the Hostage

What a new memoir reveals about endurance—and extreme remorse

10 mins  |
May 2021
The Diplomat Who Disappeared
The Atlantic

The Diplomat Who Disappeared

In 1974, John Patterson, an american diplomat on his first assignment abroad, was abducted by the People’s Liberation Army of Mexico—a group no one had heard of before. The kidnappers wanted $500,000 and insisted that Patterson’s wife deliver the ransom.

10+ mins  |
May 2021
What Richard Wright Knew
The Atlantic

What Richard Wright Knew

A previously unpublished novel reveals his bleak prescience about race in America.

8 mins  |
June 2021
The Atlantic


The myth of the Lost Cause is passed down like an heirloom. What would it take for the truth to break through?

10+ mins  |
June 2021
Return the National Parks to the Tribes
The Atlantic

Return the National Parks to the Tribes

The jewels of America’s landscape should belong to America’s original peoples.

10+ mins  |
May 2021
The Boutique In Your Bedroom
The Atlantic

The Boutique In Your Bedroom

As stores disappear, shopping in your own closet becomes the ultimate luxury.

9 mins  |
May 2021
The Human Side of Fracking
The Atlantic

The Human Side of Fracking

Living with the allure and danger of a lucrative, dirty industry

10+ mins  |
May 2021
The Power of the First Lady
The Atlantic

The Power of the First Lady

How Lady Bird Johnson and Nancy Reagan advanced their husbands’ ambitions—and their own

10+ mins  |
May 2021
How Will We Remember The Pandemic?
The Atlantic

How Will We Remember The Pandemic?

The science of how our memories form— and how they shape our future

10+ mins  |
May 2021
‘It's Always Been About Exclusion'
The Atlantic

‘It's Always Been About Exclusion'

America is a diverse nation of immigrants—but it was not intended to be, and its historical biases continue to haunt the present.

10+ mins  |
May 2021
Hormone Monsters
The Atlantic

Hormone Monsters

Television turns to magicaal realism to explore the trials of early adolescence.

8 mins  |
May 2021
Can Justice Be Served On Zoom?
The Atlantic

Can Justice Be Served On Zoom?

COVID-19 has transformed America’s courts.

9 mins  |
May 2021
The Radiant Inner Life of a Robot
The Atlantic

The Radiant Inner Life of a Robot

Kazuo Ishiguro returns to masters and servants with a story of love between a machine and the girl she belongs to.

10+ mins  |
April 2021
 Dispatches: America Without God
The Atlantic

Dispatches: America Without God

As religious faith has declined, ideological intensity has risen. Will the quest for secular redemption through politics doom the American idea?

10 mins  |
April 2021
Looking Up
The Atlantic

Looking Up

When you are an ant, the stakes are always high. There are those who would eat you—birds, snakes, bigger bugs—and those who could trample you and your environment in a single sneakered step. These enormous beings may not mean you any harm, but it is impact, not intention, that matters most.

1 min  |
April 2021
The Internet Doesn't Have To Be Awful
The Atlantic

The Internet Doesn't Have To Be Awful

The civic habits necessary for a functioning republic have been killed off by an internet kleptocracy that profits from disinformation, polarization, and rage. Here’s how to fix that.

10+ mins  |
April 2021
 Private Schools Are Indefensible
The Atlantic

Private Schools Are Indefensible

The Gulf between how rich kids and poor kids are educated in America is obscene.

10+ mins  |
April 2021
Our Sad Souvenirs of The Pandemic
The Atlantic

Our Sad Souvenirs of The Pandemic

Americans can’t go anywhere, but we’re still buying the T-shirt.

9 mins  |
April 2021
Beirut – After The Blast
The Atlantic

Beirut – After The Blast

Last summer’s explosion in Beirut killed hundreds of people and damaged much of the city. My efforts to repair my apartment reveal a lot about how Lebanon works—and doesn’t.

10+ mins  |
April 2021
Unlocking the Mysteries of Long COVID
The Atlantic

Unlocking the Mysteries of Long COVID

A growing g number of clinicians are on an urgent quest to find treatments for a frighteningly pervasive problem. They’ve had surprising early success.

10+ mins  |
April 2021
The Relentless Philip Roth
The Atlantic

The Relentless Philip Roth

In his life as in his fiction, the author pursued the shameful, the libidinous, the repellent.

6 mins  |
April 2021
The Atlantic


The sack of the Capitol was thwarted. But history suggests that corrosive change can be hard to see while it’s happening.

9 mins  |
April 2021
Tom Stoppard's Double Life
The Atlantic

Tom Stoppard's Double Life

For Britain’s leading postwar playwright, virtuosity and uncertainty go hand in hand.

10+ mins  |
March 2021
Bring Back The Nervous Breakdown
The Atlantic

Bring Back The Nervous Breakdown

It used to be okay to admit that the world had simply become too much.

9 mins  |
March 2021
When America Became a Democracy
The Atlantic

When America Became a Democracy

The Voting Rights Act of 1965 finally delivered on the stated ideals of this country. Now it hangs by a thread.

10+ mins  |
March 2021
The United States of Amazon
The Atlantic

The United States of Amazon

How the giant company has transformed the geography of wealth and power

10 mins  |
March 2021