75 Years of SwedenIndia Bilateral Ties

75 Years of SwedenIndia Bilateral Ties

Central to Swedish values is the belief that cooperation and co-creation are key. This principle is strongly advocated by Jan Thesleff, the Swedish Ambassador to India, who emphasizes the crucial role of bilateral diplomacy in shaping international relations. As Sweden and India celebrate the 75th anniversary of their diplomatic relations this year, it is imperative to send a resounding message to strengthen this partnership. The partnership is critical to ensuring sustainable supply-chains and promoting competition in emerging markets. This can be achieved by working together closely and by resource sharing.

10+ mins  |
August - September 2023
Carbon Accounting and CBAM

Carbon Accounting and CBAM

Carbon accounting and trading mechanisms have gained significant attention as effective tools to manage and mitigate carbon emissions. In this article, Siddartha Ramakanth Keshavadasu aims to explore the impacts of these mechanisms on developing and underdeveloped nations, focusing on India, and consider the aspects of climate justice and energy equity.

10+ mins  |
August - September 2023
50 Years of TERI

50 Years of TERI

As TERI celebrated its 50th year in June 2023, it reached a significant milestone in commemorating its extensive and prominent legacy as a think tank engaged in sustainable development, energy, and climate change. In this article, Rumpa Banerjee takes us on this remarkable journey.

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August - September 2023
Educating about Environment is of Dual Concern

Educating about Environment is of Dual Concern

In this article, Dr Livleen K Kahlon says that acquiring green skills has become an essential requirement of our time as green skills pave the way for job opportunities that contribute to the preservation of ecosystems and biodiversity. Design of quality education and training opportunities for young people is a pre-requisite for enhanced employability under the sector of green skills. Institutions design activities and projects to meet the rising expectations of the young minds. To be able to match requirements of green jobs to be created in future, a timely investment in Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) is therefore highly recommended.

9 mins  |
August - September 2023
Heat Waves And Action Plans How Does India Fare?

Heat Waves And Action Plans How Does India Fare?

While preparedness, alerts and warnings, and other measures of heat action plans have vastly reduced the impact of heat waves, the duration and frequency of climate-induced heat waves are on the rise. Jency Samuel says that as heat waves impact people's health and livelihood, and the nation's economy adversely, there is a need to improve and better implement the heat action plans.

10 mins  |
July 2023
Rare Coffee Species from Sierra Leone's Rainforest On Course to Save Climate-Vulnerable Coffee Industry

Rare Coffee Species from Sierra Leone's Rainforest On Course to Save Climate-Vulnerable Coffee Industry

Great news for the world's coffee drinkers: there has been significant progress in a Sierra Leonean project to recultivate a historic local coffee species, which is better adapted to higher temperatures than the climate-vulnerable Arabica, currently the main source for commercial coffee.

5 mins  |
July 2023
Rejuvenation of Neem River Origin The Ongoing Journey

Rejuvenation of Neem River Origin The Ongoing Journey

In this article, Raman Kant talks elaborately about rejuvenation work of Neem River origin, which is a unique example of coordination between society and government.

8 mins  |
July 2023
Impacts of Climate Change on Children Role of Youth in Averting the Climate Crisis

Impacts of Climate Change on Children Role of Youth in Averting the Climate Crisis

In this article, Sarah Berry says awareness has played an important role in serving the cause of climate change, especially media and social media in today's time and age. However, engagement at the grassroots level and involvement of children and youth has been extremely crucial in accelerating the cause. India boasts of a rich demographic dividend, especially since approximately 65 per cent of its population is below 35 years of age.

6 mins  |
July 2023
CGAPP Launches Ganga Anti-Plastic Expedition in India and Bangladesh

CGAPP Launches Ganga Anti-Plastic Expedition in India and Bangladesh

On April 25, 2023, The Centre for Global Affairs & Public Policy (CGAPP) spearheaded a comprehensive project aimed at addressing the issues of plastic waste in the Ganga Basin. The project, “Tackling Plastic Pollution in the Ganga Basin”, comprises a research component, a solution component, and an outreach component.

1 min  |
July 2023
Green Autorickshaws An Urgent Need

Green Autorickshaws An Urgent Need

In this article, Ram Ramprasad says that India can convert its 8 million autorickshaws to solar power with organic batteries by 2025 with zero reliance on the grid. This will be revolutionary.

5 mins  |
July 2023
Glacial Lake Outburst Floods Increasing Risks in the Himalayas

Glacial Lake Outburst Floods Increasing Risks in the Himalayas

Glacial lake outburst floods (GLOFs) occur when water stored in a glacier-fed lake formed at the side, front, within, beneath, or on the surface of a glacier is suddenly released. In this article, Mohammad Imroz says that the retreat of mountain glaciers due to climate change is a visible indicator of global climate change. The risk of glacial-related hazards, including GLOFs, increases as glaciers melt in high mountainous regions. Climate change is a cause of concern in this aspect due to the potential increase in GLOFS. Keep reading to know more...

5 mins  |
July 2023
The Age of Drones Powering India to a New Paradigm

The Age of Drones Powering India to a New Paradigm

In this article, Anish Michael and Roshan Toshniwal highlight how drones are poised to redefine the future of mobility and become integral components of the urban ecosystem. Commercial drones have the potential to revolutionize the aviation landscape by providing sustainable and innovative solutions, thereby reducing the need for more resource-intensive processes. The disruptive power of drones is expected to significantly reshape various sectors.

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July 2023
Urja Arpan Initiative

Urja Arpan Initiative

Getting Customers Aboard on the Need to Commit to Energy Efficiency

6 mins  |
July 2023
Road towards Carbon-Neutral Future

Road towards Carbon-Neutral Future

2023 marked the 50th anniversary of World Environment Day, with this year’s theme centred around ‘Solutions to Plastic Pollution.’

8 mins  |
July 2023
Study of Earth's Stratosphere Reduces Uncertainty in Future Climate Change

Study of Earth's Stratosphere Reduces Uncertainty in Future Climate Change

New research from the University of East Anglia (UEA) provides more certainty in predicting future climate change, by examining stratospheric water vapour amounts. The research effectively rules out the most extreme scenarios, which imply that water vapour concentrations could increase by more than 25 per cent per degree of global warming. The new approach represents a 50 per cent reduction in the 95th percentile of nclimate model responses.

2 mins  |
July 2023
Report Launched by TERI and Shell

Report Launched by TERI and Shell

Outlining a Path towards Sustainable Development and Net-Zero Emissions

2 mins  |
July 2023
Technology and Cultural Showcase at CEM14-MI8 in Goa

Technology and Cultural Showcase at CEM14-MI8 in Goa

As leaders, eminent authorities, and dignitaries from the G20 and CEM nations gathered in Goa for the G20 Energy Transitions Ministerial Meeting (ETMM); key stakeholders, major OEMs (Original Equipment Manufacturers) and significant players from the space of clean and sustainability mobility assembled at the Dr Shyama Prasad Mukherjee Stadium—all under a single roof—to showcase technological innovations and advancements that can propel India’s decarbonization efforts for a sustainable future.

1 min  |
July 2023
The Future of the Indian Tea Industry - Lies in Steeping Sustainability

The Future of the Indian Tea Industry - Lies in Steeping Sustainability

In this article, Parimal Shah says that to achieve sustainability, the Indian tea industry is making a breakthrough by adopting practices that leave behind a minimal carbon footprint. Be it about the source, production, processing, or post-production, making amendments at various pathways is the only way forward.

3 mins  |
June 2023
Summer School on Climate Change and Role of Ocean - Addressed Vital Issues on Climate Change

Summer School on Climate Change and Role of Ocean - Addressed Vital Issues on Climate Change

An online Summer School on Climate Change and Role of Ocean” was organized by the Global Science Academy GSA), Basti Uttar Pradesh), India on the occasions of World Environment Day on June 5, 2023 BeatPlasticPollution and World Ocean Day on June 8, 2023. In order to promote inclusivity and encourage wide participation, the summer school was made absolutely free of charge.

6 mins  |
June 2023
Kandhamal Turmeric Wins National Award

Kandhamal Turmeric Wins National Award

Organic turmeric of Kandhamal district won the National Intellectual Property NIP) Award for 2021-22, presented by the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India. It was adjudged as the most popular geographical indications Gl) product under agriculture.

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June 2023
Food Processing: The Potential North Star in India's Sustainability Horizon

Food Processing: The Potential North Star in India's Sustainability Horizon

In this article, Rittika Barua and Sumit Roy highlight that food processing as an industry in India deserves major attention. It is vital to the nation in more ways than one. Food processing can transform surplus and by-products from agriculture, which would otherwise go to waste, into valuable marketable products. By tapping into these opportunities, food processing can improve the agricultural value chain and contribute to the sustainable development of India’s agriculture sector.

4 mins  |
June 2023
Flooding Tackled by Helping Citizens Take Action

Flooding Tackled by Helping Citizens Take Action

Extreme weather caused by climate change-such as flooding-will be easier to prepare for after scientists developed a new method that empowers citizens to identify solutions to the threats their communities face.

1 min  |
June 2023
Extinct Genome Sequenced from Museum Specimens

Extinct Genome Sequenced from Museum Specimens

The Bachman's warbler, a songbird that was last seen in North America nearly 40 years ago, was a distinct species and not a hybrid of its two living sister species, according to a new study in which the full genomes of seven museum specimens of the bird were sequenced.

1 min  |
June 2023
Robin Hood Army - Undertaking Crusade against Hunger

Robin Hood Army - Undertaking Crusade against Hunger

Did you know that you can actually help in eliminating hunger from this world without spending a single penny or raising any funds? During a two-day festival called We the People For Climate Action’ on April 28-29, 2023 at the American Center in New Delhi organized by the US Embassy in India, we found out the incredible work being done by Robin Hood Army in eliminating hunger from India and the world. Keep reading to know more...

3 mins  |
June 2023
The Avian World on Stamps

The Avian World on Stamps

Book Review by N Kalyani

4 mins  |
June 2023
Europe Can Accelerate Fossil Gas Phase-Out: With Less Hydrogen than Planned

Europe Can Accelerate Fossil Gas Phase-Out: With Less Hydrogen than Planned

Through structural fossil gas demand reductions in the buildings, industry and power sectors, the EU can strengthen its energy security and cut emissions by 60 per cent by 2030 and 89 per cent by 2040. Such an approach, supported by a strong policy mix, would reduce renewable hydrogen demand until 2030 by 80 per cent compared to the REPowerEU target.

5 mins  |
June 2023
New Transport Technology - Same Old Problems?

New Transport Technology - Same Old Problems?

In this article, Jochen Schaal and Michel Rosmolen assess the impact of urban air mobility on noise propagation.

7 mins  |
June 2023
Towards a Circular Plastics Economy: India's Actions to #BeatPlasticPollution

Towards a Circular Plastics Economy: India's Actions to #BeatPlasticPollution

World Environment Day 2023 serves as an important reminder that the actions we take to mitigate plastic pollution have a significant impact. Now, more than ever, we must intensify these efforts and swiftly transition to a circular economy. Avanti Roy-Basu and Girija K Bharat say that as the world celebrates World Environment Day in 2023 focusing on \"solutions to plastic pollution under the campaign #BeatPlastic Pollution\", it is crucial to understand that each one of us has multiple roles to play to address this global crisis.

10+ mins  |
June 2023
Largest Solar Concentrator: Boon for India's Healthcare Sector

Largest Solar Concentrator: Boon for India's Healthcare Sector

With an experience of over 35 years in the solar sector, Chairman and MD of Sunrise CSP India, Deepak Gadhia, is a manufacturer of Scheffler concentrators, steam cooking systems and parabolic cookers. He is also credited with engineering and helping create large arrays of Scheffler concentrators for institutions, one of which at Tirupati, solar cooks 30,000 meals daily. A trustee of the Muni Seva Ashram, Mr Gadhia, who overlooks its sustainability aspects, speaks to Sapna Gopal about the biggest solar concentrator that was installed at the hospital in the ashram premises, in April this year.

3 mins  |
June 2023
The Intersection of Sustainability and Technology - How Technology Can Be Leveraged to Achieve Environmental Sustainability Goals

The Intersection of Sustainability and Technology - How Technology Can Be Leveraged to Achieve Environmental Sustainability Goals

In this article, Kavya Hari and Jaya Jain say that an ecosystem approach entailing the key stakeholders, including enterprises, policymakers, and public and private investors, would accelerate the deployment of climate technologies, and enable climate resilient growth and achievement of environmental sustainability. This would facilitate the transition to a global net-zero economy by 2050 and bring us closer to achieving the goals of the Paris Agreement.

6 mins  |
June 2023