The Miracle Of Life
Mother & Baby India

The Miracle Of Life

For 31-year-old Dimple D’Costa, the birth of her baby boy Damon, taught her exactly how powerful hope, love and faith can be

10+ mins  |
March 2018
Are Your Periods Irregular After Childbirth?
Mother & Baby India

Are Your Periods Irregular After Childbirth?

Your menstrual cycle abates during pregnancy and it resumes a few months after giving birth. While some women experience an otherwise regular cycle, there are a few who face various issues and abnormalities with their period. M&B helps you understand your cycle and how to deal with unexpected problems

3 mins  |
March 2018
Satiate Those Pregnancy Cravings
Mother & Baby India

Satiate Those Pregnancy Cravings

Now more than ever, you have to pay extra attention to what you eat. Every expecting woman wants to satiate those cravings, but more importantly, ensure she’s eating a nutritious and wholesome meal. This is the only way to give your baby the best possible start. But how do you resist those junk food cravings that are hard to stave off? M&B gives you a low-down on nutritional food items to include in your diet, and healthy alternatives for a perfect substitution

4 mins  |
March 2018
8 Ways To Grow A Brighter Future
Mother & Baby India

8 Ways To Grow A Brighter Future

You don’t need to be earning squillions to give your youngster a great financial start in life, just a smart plan

4 mins  |
March 2018
How To Raise Fearless Eaters
Mother & Baby India

How To Raise Fearless Eaters

“My child is not eating enough!” As mothers, we tend to focus on what our children are eating and whether they are eating everything that they should be. However, we often miss the mark as we fail to acknowledge that how our children are eating is just as important as what our children are eating, if not more. It is our attitude towards food and mealtimes that eventually shapes our child’s attitude towards food, and that determines what and how well they eat, says Tanya Khubchandani Vatsa

5 mins  |
March 2018
Saranya Venkatesh, On Being A Mother While Battling Cancer
Mother & Baby India

Saranya Venkatesh, On Being A Mother While Battling Cancer

Super mum Saranya Venkatesh is suffering from stage 4 ovarian cancer. She shares her tale of an ongoing battle with the dreaded C, and tells us how 23-month-old Avyaan is her main source of joy, laughter and inspiration

6 mins  |
August 2019
Indoor Monsoon Activities
Mother & Baby India

Indoor Monsoon Activities

The rains can cause the kids to be stuck at home and get bored. Let’s make this monsoon season exciting for your little ones with these fun-filled indoor activities....

3 mins  |
July 2019
Day Sleeper
Mother & Baby India

Day Sleeper

If every naptime is a battle of wills, read on for our guide to getting your baby to sleep in the day

5 mins  |
July 2019
Gestational Diabetes
Mother & Baby India

Gestational Diabetes

An in-depth understanding of gestational diabetes, its risk factors, how it’s detected, and what can be done to treat or manage it.

6 mins  |
March 2019
Baby-Proof Your Home
Mother & Baby India

Baby-Proof Your Home

Make sure you give your baby a safe environment to grow up in.

4 mins  |
March 2019
Raising Secure Your Baby!
Mother & Baby India

Raising Secure Your Baby!

Consider these tips if you’re looking to raise a child who is well-balanced, healthy, and happy.

6 mins  |
March 2019
Why Am I Bleeding?
Mother & Baby India

Why Am I Bleeding?

For any mum-to-be, bleeding is a frightening prospect. But it doesn’t always mean the worst

3 mins  |
March 2019
10 Things That You Should Know About Your Baby!
Mother & Baby India

10 Things That You Should Know About Your Baby!

Having a baby is like a thrilling roller coaster ride with its crazed ups and downs, which leave the parents thrilled, scared, excited, laughing and crying!

5 mins  |
December 2018
Winter Skin-care For Your New Baby!
Mother & Baby India

Winter Skin-care For Your New Baby!

Winter is here, which means your baby needs extra care and attention. Baby’s skin requires a lot more nourishment during winter, as the temperature drop tends to make the skin dry.

2 mins  |
December 2018
How To Choose A Blanket For Your Newborn
Mother & Baby India

How To Choose A Blanket For Your Newborn

Not sure which baby blanket to pick? M&B helps you make the right choice.

2 mins  |
December 2018
Don't You Cry, My Baby!
Mother & Baby India

Don't You Cry, My Baby!

While your mummy instincts might go into overdrive when you hear your baby cry, trust that there are good reasons for her to shed those tears...

3 mins  |
December 2018
Child-Proofing Of Austria
Mother & Baby India

Child-Proofing Of Austria

Of Apple Strudel and Schnitzel with Potatoes!

4 mins  |
December 2018
Eat. Pray. Love
Mother & Baby India

Eat. Pray. Love

Restaurateur Rachel Goenka gets teary-eyed as she revisits her pregnancy, labour and life after Kabir...

10 mins  |
December 2018
Baby, Don't Go!
Mother & Baby India

Baby, Don't Go!

Is the time away from your baby making you miserable?

2 mins  |
February 2019
What's Your Bonk Balance?
Mother & Baby India

What's Your Bonk Balance?

Have the days of getting it on turned into let’s get it over with? If so, it’s time to invest in some serious sexy time. After all, the more you put in, the more you’ll get out

2 mins  |
February 2019
Ready For A New Role
Mother & Baby India

Ready For A New Role

TV’s popular actor Malini Kapoor shares her bittersweet pregnancy journey, and tells us how baby Kiyan’s arrival has made her bond with her husband even stronger

10+ mins  |
February 2019
Bump Ahead!
Mother & Baby India

Bump Ahead!

Making out with bump in tow can be riddled with doubt and concern. M&B attempts to answer oft-repeated questions about sex during pregnancy

3 mins  |
February 2019
Choosing The Right Day Care
Mother & Baby India

Choosing The Right Day Care

Picking the right day care for your child can be a daunting and extremely stressful task. These tips will help you make the right decision

4 mins  |
September 2018
Five Fights All New Parents Have
Mother & Baby India

Five Fights All New Parents Have

They can be avoided, says Sarah Ivens

4 mins  |
September 2018
15 Must-Try Ways To Kick Back, Relax And Enjoy Your Pregnancy
Mother & Baby India

15 Must-Try Ways To Kick Back, Relax And Enjoy Your Pregnancy

The forever long to-do list leaves little or no room for relaxation. Pregnancy is the perfect time to slow down, pamper yourself, and create some more space in your otherwise hectic life

7 mins  |
September 2018
Your Baby Depends On You
Mother & Baby India

Your Baby Depends On You

Dr Bharati Kamoji, senior consultant obstetrics and gynaecology, Aster CMI Hospital, Bengaluru, tells you how you can remain healthy during pregnancy and lactation

3 mins  |
September 2018
Easy Breathing Exercises
Mother & Baby India

Easy Breathing Exercises

Something as simple as breathing the right way can prove to be a help to pull you through the highs and lows of pregnancy. M&B takes a closer look at therapies like meditation and hypnosis, which promise relaxation and better bonding between the mother and baby through simple breathing techniques

6 mins  |
September 2018
Rub It The Right Way…
Mother & Baby India

Rub It The Right Way…

Craving some pampering during pregnancy? Why not indulge yourself and enjoy a day or two at a spa?

4 mins  |
September 2018
Take Your Time
Mother & Baby India

Take Your Time

You will be a much better mum if you give yourself a short break every day. There’s nothing like a little ‘me’ time to enhance your amazing mommy skills…

3 mins  |
September 2018
Handle It Like A Boss!
Mother & Baby India

Handle It Like A Boss!

Find out how to stay safe and healthy at work during pregnancy, and when you need to take extra precautions.

5 mins  |
January 2019