Food & Beverage Companies In Asia
ASIAN Geographic

Food & Beverage Companies In Asia

Food conjures the tastes of childhood and comfort; it is the centre of a party and it can help in soothing a broken heart. Here is a list of food and beverage companies in Asia, near and dear to our hearts.

7 mins  |
AG 05/2019 - 138
Exquisite Spa Resorts & Villas In Asia
ASIAN Geographic

Exquisite Spa Resorts & Villas In Asia

Whether you’re planning that special honeymoon trip, travelling in style with your dive buddy, or vacationing with the family, a spa resort or villa is the perfect choice for a relaxing stay. So leave the hustle and bustle of everyday life behind and let your hosts take care of everything, just for a little while.

6 mins  |
AG 05/2019 - 138
Asia's Critically Endangered Animals
ASIAN Geographic

Asia's Critically Endangered Animals

Home to the fastest-growing cities of the world, Asia is thriving. But lest we forget, the Earth is also home to our animal friends, some of which are in great danger because of our desire to progress as a society.

4 mins  |
AG 05/2019 - 138
Heritage Landmarks In Asia
ASIAN Geographic

Heritage Landmarks In Asia

Whether you’re an architectural junkie or a history enthusiast, this category is for you. Enter Asia’s treasured and breathtaking heritage landmarks, each with walls that speak and interiors that whisper a thousand words.

9 mins  |
AG 05/2019 - 138
An Epic Creation
ASIAN Geographic

An Epic Creation

The birth of writing from ancient Sumer has led to prominent and influential literary works, such as the Epic of Gilgamesh, written in the 18th century BC during the Neo-Sumerian Empire – recognised as the earliest surviving great work of literature

2 mins  |
AG 05/2019 - 138
Pilgrims to the Centre of the Earth
ASIAN Geographic

Pilgrims to the Centre of the Earth

In the footsteps of Java’s Yadnya Kasada Festival.

4 mins  |
AG 119 2016
Royal Rainforests And Coastlines
ASIAN Geographic

Royal Rainforests And Coastlines

I’m Colin and I was raised in Brunei Darussalam as a half breed; a mix of Chinese and the indigenous ethnic tribe of Lun Bawang.

4 mins  |
AG 119 2016
The Rickshaw Revolution
ASIAN Geographic

The Rickshaw Revolution

Asia’s classic mode of transport has seen continuous upgrades over the years. Yet the earliest rickshaws – and the downtrodden coolies that pulled them – may soon be relics of history following Kolkata’s efforts to eradicate them

2 mins  |
AG 01/2018 - 129
The New Black Gold
ASIAN Geographic

The New Black Gold

Farmers eagerly host these furry guests in their orchards and collect their excrement – Cambodia’s answer to manure

3 mins  |
AG 01/2018 - 129
North Korea: Nuclear Nation
ASIAN Geographic

North Korea: Nuclear Nation

North Korea’s growing missile prowess and nuclear capability are starting to pose a serious threat not just to the South, but most of the world

1 min  |
AG 01/2018 - 129
Batik Breakthroughs
ASIAN Geographic

Batik Breakthroughs

Batik – one of Indonesia’s age-old treasures and on UNESCO’s list of Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity – has been catapulted into the modern era

2 mins  |
AG 01/2018 - 129
The New Face Of Farming
ASIAN Geographic

The New Face Of Farming

Drones could well change Asian agriculture. These aerial vehicles can be controlled from the ground, and have received a great deal of attention for their ability to do work that is dangerous or tedious for farmers

2 mins  |
AG 01/2018 - 129
Holy Hermit Healers
ASIAN Geographic

Holy Hermit Healers

Ruesi have wandered the Thai wilderness for hundreds of years. All but forgotten, these “wizards of the forest” are today seeing a gradual comeback, as they work their magic for the devotee in need

5 mins  |
AG 02/2018 - 130
Back From The Dead
ASIAN Geographic

Back From The Dead

Eternal rest is a lifelong task for the indigenous people of South Sulawesi, who reunite to serve their dead relatives once every few years

3 mins  |
AG 02/2018 - 130
Kings Of The Dwindling Forest
ASIAN Geographic

Kings Of The Dwindling Forest

Nepal’s last hunting tribe subsists on primates as their main meal, a menu choice that’s quickly slipping through their grasp

3 mins  |
AG 02/2018 - 130
Diving In Paradise
ASIAN Geographic

Diving In Paradise

Malaysia boasts some of the planet’s finest dive sites, and its pristine waters are rich in marine life

2 mins  |
AG 02/2018 - 130
Rebels With A Cause
ASIAN Geographic

Rebels With A Cause

Punk is finding its voice as a powerful form of social commentary in Asia.

6 mins  |
AG 02/2017 - 124
On the Edge of Extinction
ASIAN Geographic

On the Edge of Extinction

Asian languages on the verge of falling out of use.

5 mins  |
AG 120 2016
ASIAN Geographic


The mass pilgrimage at kumbh mela unites hindus in a splendid showcase of faith and devotion.

5 mins  |
AG 120 2016
Love Without Boundaries
ASIAN Geographic

Love Without Boundaries

Traditional Mosuo Relationships.

4 mins  |
AG 120 2016
Arabian Nights
ASIAN Geographic

Arabian Nights

One thousand and one nights.

1 min  |
AG 120 2016
Into The Canopy
ASIAN Geographic

Into The Canopy

Exploring Ulu Temburong National Park. 

3 mins  |
AG 02/2017 - 124
A Dying Tradition
ASIAN Geographic

A Dying Tradition

The Clanging of Hammers on Metal, Echoing Through the Back Alleys of Bangkok, Sounds Out a Fading Tradition.

2 mins  |
AG 02/2017 - 124
they call it off the bounties of pollution
asian geographic

they call it off the bounties of pollution

in manila, communities rely on the city’s abundant supply of waste to survive, living in – and depending on – pollution.

7 mins  |
ag 123, 2017
The Ancestor Of All Fights
ASIAN Geographic

The Ancestor Of All Fights

Indian kushti is considered the predecessor of all wrestling. It is undergoing a revival despite the tug-of-war between tradition and modernity

6 mins  |
PASSPORT 2016 - 2017
Walking The Wilds
ASIAN Geographic

Walking The Wilds

Sarah Marquis Tells Asian Geographic About Her Expeditions Walking Around The World – Solo

3 mins  |
AG 03/2017 - 125
ASIAN Geographic

Making Tracks

The world’s longest railway traverses the Asian continent. In celebration of its 101 years, we explore the legacy of the iconic Trans-Siberian Railway 

5 mins  |
AG 03/2017 - 125
On The Roof Of The World
ASIAN Geographic

On The Roof Of The World

In 2008, Asian Geographic Embarked On Their First Tailored Expedition, Journeying From Delhi To Ladakh In The Himalayas

2 mins  |
AG 03/2017 - 125
ASIAN Geographic

Democratisation, Interrupted

A year and a half after Aung San Suu Kyi's party won a landslide victory, criticism is everywhere. Abuses against the Rohingya and battles with armed ethnic groups are eclipsing one of the world's most interesting political turns.

8 mins  |
AG 04/2017 - 126
ASIAN Geographic

Pens Under Pressure

In era of fake news, vilification of the press and the polarisationof intellectual debate, satirical art become an important tool to question politics. Despite crackdowns, some artists will not be silenced.

6 mins  |
AG 04/2017 - 126