20 Minutes To Lifelong Success
The Teenager Today

20 Minutes To Lifelong Success

20 Minutes To Lifelong Success

5 mins  |
October 2017
Ranting Out Loud
The Teenager Today

Ranting Out Loud

Ranting Out Loud

3 mins  |
October 2017
Manasi Kirloskar - The Boss Girl
The Teenager Today

Manasi Kirloskar - The Boss Girl

A persona of many facets — painter, deep sea diver, mountaineer, traveller and writer — she has already become a youth icon. Her entrepreneurial skills, of course, are also much acknowledged and reflected in the number of awards she has been honoured with over the past few years. That’s Manasi Kirloskar in a few words.

5 mins  |
September 2017
Harry Styles
The Teenager Today

Harry Styles

His powerful vocals on his solo hit track Sign Of The Times from his self-titled debut album, is currently topping the charts all over.

4 mins  |
September 2017
Pedagogical Leadership
The Teenager Today

Pedagogical Leadership

Pedagogy — the science and study of teaching, i.e, finding answers to the basic questions ‘what’ and ‘how’.

2 mins  |
September 2017
Taking Expensive To The Next Level
The Teenager Today

Taking Expensive To The Next Level

The footballing world was turned upside down when the buzz that Neymar Jr wanted to leave Barcelona came afloat. I mean, they easily had the best strike-force in the world with the Brazilian, Lionel Messi and Luis Suarez. It seemed only a matter of time before the ‘MSN’ trio would conquer the world.

3 mins  |
September 2017
Studying Abroad - Personal Readiness To Study Abroad
The Teenager Today

Studying Abroad - Personal Readiness To Study Abroad

One of the great advantages of studying in a country other than your own is that it gives you an opportunity to grow emotionally and intellectually in directions that you may not have grown in otherwise. So even though you may not have all the qualities listed yet, there is no reason why you cannot develop them now while you are preparing your applications.

2 mins  |
September 2017
Leaders And Followers
The Teenager Today

Leaders And Followers

The culture today encourages competition. Advertisements give out the message, “Stand out and be noticed. Succeed all the time.”

4 mins  |
April 2017
Blood For A Patient
The Teenager Today

Blood For A Patient

After visiting our friend in a hospital, we decided to go around visiting patients in the district government hospital.

2 mins  |
April 2017
Knit India 2017
The Teenager Today

Knit India 2017

Over 276 participants —students, teachers and principals, friends and USM team members— participated in the five-day live-together for sharing, learning and celebrating unity in diversity during the 50 th Knit India held at Indore from 27-31 December 2017. It was a significant landmark in the history of Universal Solidarity Movement (USM) as it celebrated the Silver Jubilee of the movement.

2 mins  |
February 2018
Markus Schulz
The Teenager Today

Markus Schulz

DJ Markus Schulz is arguably a legend on the trance scene. An international star in the trance community, with over two decades of DJing experience, he has ruled the world.

5 mins  |
February 2018
Pallavi Singh
The Teenager Today

Pallavi Singh

Hindi teacher with a difference.

4 mins  |
January 2017
Why Teens Should Say
The Teenager Today

Why Teens Should Say

One common reason for consultation seen in hospitals these days, is problems associated with tobacco addiction.

5 mins  |
December 2017
The Teenager Today


None of the models that grace the catwalks of Paris, New York, or Milan come close to matching the grace of the felines that sashay elegantly through wild homes fashioned for them by nature.

2 mins  |
December 2017
Bullying & Empathy
The Teenager Today

Bullying & Empathy

What is bullying? When someone uses force over another person in the form of physical force or by using words through teasing or humiliating someone; it’s called bullying. The intent is to make fun of the other person, make them scared, make them lesser than you, and to give the message that you don’t belong. It is generally done to gain power over the other person, and make them feel lesser.

5 mins  |
December 2016
an evening in musical bliss!
the teenager today

an evening in musical bliss!

4 mins  |
february 2017
Parents Are Your Best Friends!
The Teenager Today

Parents Are Your Best Friends!

Parents Are Your Best Friends!

4 mins  |
February 2017
Holiday The Right Way!
The Teenager Today

Holiday The Right Way!

The summer holidays will soon be here and we know you have been waiting for them.

8 mins  |
April 2017
The Chainsmokers
The Teenager Today

The Chainsmokers

Names of bands these days (and even in the past), seem to get us wondering whether the members can’t really think of something suitable.

5 mins  |
April 2017
Passion to Evolve
The Teenager Today

Passion to Evolve

Life Skills for Career Development.

2 mins  |
December 2016
Musical Sonnets
The Teenager Today

Musical Sonnets

Once upon a time, in the glorious past of India, dating back to the 13th century, there lived a genius by the name of Amir Khusro — a musician, poet and scholar. He was an iconic personality in the cultural history of India. Credited with numerous musical, philosophical and literary creations, the Sufimusician is also known as the Father of the Qawwali (musical genre). Amir Khusro served in the court of Mughal emperor Allauddin Khilji. During his reign many renowned singers and musicians performed at his court and were patronized by him. I am now going to share with you one of my favourite legends.

4 mins  |
December 2016
On Toothlessness
The Teenager Today

On Toothlessness

Seen at full pelt, this Indian pangolin Manis crassicaudata is as toothless as they come. But it has an enormous sticky tongue,which, believe it or not, is almost as long as its body. Why? Because it makes a living poking its tongue into other species’ businesses… primarily termites, of which it may consume between 50 and 70 million in a good year!

1 min  |
December 2016
Make Your Teachers Proud
The Teenager Today

Make Your Teachers Proud

It is a delightful moment for every teacher when students acknowledge and appreciate the contribution of their teachers towards their progress and achievements.

8 mins  |
September 2017
Polishing Gems
The Teenager Today

Polishing Gems

When we talk of polishing GEMS it would categorically mean the focused endeavour of committed individuals towards instilling good values, ethics, morality and spirituality. The early years are with concerted efforts to identify and minimize obstacles like insensitivity and callousness bred by circumstances and influences. As Plutarch is quoted to have said, “The very spring and root of honesty and virtue lie in good education”.

5 mins  |
September 2017
How To Win Friends
The Teenager Today

How To Win Friends

A lot of us roam the streets with the fear in our head concerning how other people view us. While you are worried about what people are thinking about you, there’s a high likelihood of them pondering on what you’re thinking of them! Maybe you know your flaws, maybe you don’t. But your analysis isn’t happening in one encounter. A best friend isn’t born in a day; they grow to become your confidantes over several years. You have to be brave enough to take the leap of faith knowing that someone out there will respect you for who you are and so you don’t have to be afraid of being yourself. You have to give yourself away, to get a larger and more fulfilled self back; to be a friend, because the only way to have a friend is to be one.

3 mins  |
September 2017
Dharma In The Forest
The Teenager Today

Dharma In The Forest

In the beginning was the forest. Humans domesticated the forest to create culture, a space where they could feel secure. However, as societies around the world are becoming unsafe for immigrants, travellers, minorities, women and queer people, it is time to ask ourselves what is culture? Are we humans, or just domesticated animals of the powerful, or are we alphas establishing a pecking order, or predators seeking prey?

2 mins  |
September 2017
Mother Teresa - An Embodiment Of Love
The Teenager Today

Mother Teresa - An Embodiment Of Love

September 5, 2017, marks the 20th death anniversary of Mother Teresa.

4 mins  |
September 2017
Sunita Bhuyan
The Teenager Today

Sunita Bhuyan

The joy of music, The joy of giving.

8 mins  |
January 2017
Artificial Intelligence and Future of Work
The Teenager Today

Artificial Intelligence and Future of Work

Our lives today are the stuff that science fiction movies were made of, perhaps, a decade or two ago. With virtual assistants, driverless cars, hoverboards, and missions to Mars, devices that come alive at the sound of your voice and perform your every bidding, technology is nothing short of a fantastical miracle.

4 mins  |
January 2017
The Rise and Rise of Andy Murray
The Teenager Today

The Rise and Rise of Andy Murray

The Rise and Rise of Andy Murray.

3 mins  |
January 2017