The Acropolitan Magazine - July - September 2016

The Acropolitan Magazine - July - September 2016

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In this issue
It is evident that ancient wisdom recognized the power of philosophy as a practical means by which to nurture meaning and fulfillment in life. In countless traditions, it was the axis around which education was imparted, so as to foster the tools that might enable citizens to give expression to the best of their potential, and help each individual to develop an attitude of wonder at the magical unity that permeates all realms of Life.
For an aspiring philosopher therefore, philosophy was not a hobby, nor intellectual stimulation. It was never intended to be a theoretical or academic faculty, lacking relevance or application in life. Instead, it was the art of living – integrated into every aspect of life, all the time, everywhere – a state of being. Through it, a businessman, treading the thin line of balance between his personal and professional obligations might find lasting solutions. It might motivate corporate leaders to re-consider their social responsibilities. And in its practice, an athlete might find the will to develop discipline, perseverance and excellence.
Might we dare to take responsibility, and improve the human condition through a philosophical seize our freedom, our immortality, and break the materialistic shackles of illusion? Lets each, do his/her own little bit.
The Acropolitan Magazine Description:
Publisher: New Acropolis Cultural Organization
Category: Culture
Language: English
Frequency: Quarterly
In Ancient Greece, the Acropolis referred to the sacred centre, that lay higher than the rest of the city. It was a place of inspiration; a bridge that enabled citizens yo connect to the divine, evoking the expression of the higher human virtues. Deriving inspiration from its purpose, The Acropolitan Magazine serves as a tribute to every citizen yearning for these higher principles in all aspects of Life: truth, Beauty, justice, Goodness.
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