Market research PROFESSIONALS
ParentsWorld India

Market research PROFESSIONALS

For professionally qualified business management graduates, there's high demand for careers in market research which is becoming increasingly sophisticated

3 mins  |
July 2023
Keeping fit with TRAMPOLINES
ParentsWorld India

Keeping fit with TRAMPOLINES

A highly recommended physical activity which provides both enjoyment and fitness is rebounding i.e, bouncing on a trampoline

2 mins  |
July 2023
Breastfeeding QUERIES
ParentsWorld India

Breastfeeding QUERIES

I was blessed with a baby girl yesterday. I notice that I am secreting only a few drops of breast milk. I'm worried this may not be sufficient to feed my infant whose birth weight is below normal

2 mins  |
July 2023
Why Malaysia is TRULY ASIA
ParentsWorld India

Why Malaysia is TRULY ASIA

Last year 10 million tourists from around the world heeded this fast-track nation's siren call to savour its multiple charms. An explanation

9 mins  |
July 2023
Black Urad Dal RECIPES
ParentsWorld India

Black Urad Dal RECIPES

Black urad dal (black gram) is rich in protein, iron, folic acid and fibre, which aids digestion. More important, it's a good source of calcium, which helps children develop healthy teeth and bones. Try out these easy-to-cook black gram recipes:

1 min  |
July 2023
My son is aggressive & short-tempered.HELP!
ParentsWorld India

My son is aggressive & short-tempered.HELP!

My ten-year-old son is aggressive and short-tempered. On some occasions he has also hit himself. In school too, he gets into fights with classmates. I am very worried. Please advise.

2 mins  |
July 2023
ParentsWorld India


It's the duty of all parents to lead by example and also teach their children to communicate with autistic children with sensitivity and empathy

2 mins  |
July 2023
Cutting kids some slack Free-range Parenting PHENOMENON
ParentsWorld India

Cutting kids some slack Free-range Parenting PHENOMENON

In India, where there is a tradition of patriarchal, interfering parenting, free-range parenting has come like a fresh breath of air with a rising number of new millennial parents rebelling against anxiety-driven, risk-averse child rearing

7 mins  |
July 2023
Your Child & Social Media: What You Need To Know
PROVOKE Lifestyle

Your Child & Social Media: What You Need To Know

The Recent U.S. Surgeon General's Report On The Dangerous Impact Of Social Media On Young People Has Reminded Parents To Sit Up And Reevaluate Their Child's Usage. All You Need To Keep Your Children Safe Is A Thorough Awareness Of The Potential Risks And A Set Of Practical Measures To Put Into Action

7 mins  |
July 2023
Red Alert! Rising Tide Of Child & Youth Suicides
ParentsWorld India

Red Alert! Rising Tide Of Child & Youth Suicides

According to the National Crime Records Bureau, over 13,000 children & youth committed suicide in 2021 - a five-year high and a rise of 4.5 percent from the 12,526 deaths recorded in 2020 when a minor died by suicide every 42 minutes

10+ mins  |
June 2023
8 exercises to release MUSCLE TENSION
ParentsWorld India

8 exercises to release MUSCLE TENSION

During the course of a day, the body experiences stress and strain performing routine activities

2 mins  |
June 2023
Urgent need for URBAN PLANNERS
ParentsWorld India

Urgent need for URBAN PLANNERS

A heavy and onerous responsibility of drawing up detailed blueprints for the construction of new towns and cities has devolved upon professionally qualified urban planners

3 mins  |
June 2023
School Lunchbox RECIPES
ParentsWorld India

School Lunchbox RECIPES

With the new academic year set to begin in June-July, we present four healthy and nutritious school lunch box meals you can rustle up quickly

1 min  |
June 2023
Natural smorgasbord of New Zealand
ParentsWorld India

Natural smorgasbord of New Zealand

With a population density of merely 19 people per sq. km, this outpost of western civilization in the antipodes presents a topography of natural wonders including alpine glaciers, rugged mountains, sparkling lakes, steaming volcanoes and tropical rainforests. It is increasingly drawing Indian tourists

10 mins  |
June 2023
5 ways to prepare your first-born FOR A SIBLING
ParentsWorld India

5 ways to prepare your first-born FOR A SIBLING

Parents should begin preparing the first-born early for the birth of a sibling. Here are some guidelines

2 mins  |
June 2023
"Parents of children with special needs SHOULD BE POSITIVE"
ParentsWorld India

"Parents of children with special needs SHOULD BE POSITIVE"

May 14 was celebrated as Mother's Day worldwide including in India. In this Mother's Day special feature, ARUNA RAGHURAM interviewed Dr. Sumithra Prasad, founder of the DORAI Foundation, Chennai and mother of social entrepreneur Srinivasa Prasad (31), a person with special needs

4 mins  |
June 2023
Is Your Toddler Nutritionally Deficient?
ParentsWorld India

Is Your Toddler Nutritionally Deficient?

Nutritional and especially micronutrient deficiencies in children result in poor physical growth, reduced cognitive development, and increased risk of illness

2 mins  |
May 2023
Summer Hands-On Learning Opportunity
ParentsWorld India

Summer Hands-On Learning Opportunity

Gandhiji's advice that education must teach children to work with their heads, hearts and hands has been almost totally ignored by the omniscient framers of post-independence India's education policies. However, it's not too late to teach generation next to adopt a DIY (do-it-yourself) culture starting this summer vacation

8 mins  |
May 2023
ParentsWorld India


Hers was a typical upper crust family living in a -plush neighbourhood, with typical upper middleclass biases

3 mins  |
May 2023
Parental alienation should give way to SHARED PARENTING
ParentsWorld India

Parental alienation should give way to SHARED PARENTING

...Say alienated parents who organised a two-week campaign to mark April 25, observed as 'Parental Alienation Awareness Day' worldwide

5 mins  |
May 2023
ParentsWorld India


According to Astute Analytics, the aggregate revenue of engineering services outsourced worldwide is likely to skyrocket from $1.5 trillion to $6.8 trillion by 2031

2 mins  |
May 2023
Talking to your child about personal safety
ParentsWorld India

Talking to your child about personal safety

Children's saftey is a hot button subject in these perilous times

2 mins  |
May 2023
Heart to HEART
ParentsWorld India

Heart to HEART

The recent rape of a 11-year-old girl child in a school in Delhi allegedly by senior students, has outraged and shaken the confidence of the community of parents countrywide.

1 min  |
May 2023
Summer Survival Strategies

Summer Survival Strategies

In summer, parents are often at their wits’ end keeping their children active and occupied. Kayal Arivalan shares tips from experts and parents on getting through the season

5 mins  |
May 2023
Gentle Parenting for Dads

Gentle Parenting for Dads

Being a father has been a life-altering experience for me. It is a big responsibility but still completely rewarding

3 mins  |
April-June 2023, Issue 2 , Volume 3
Story of an Entrepreneur Dad

Story of an Entrepreneur Dad

Entrepreneurship can be demanding, with long working hours and endless responsibilities

3 mins  |
April-June 2023, Issue 2 , Volume 3
Easing into fatherhood

Easing into fatherhood

For Generations, in our parts of the world, we have heard and seen only mothers taking responsibility for the baby and daily chores too

1 min  |
April-June 2023, Issue 2 , Volume 3
A single Dad's Marathon against Autism

A single Dad's Marathon against Autism

We all know that every kid is different and has a different growth story

3 mins  |
April-June 2023, Issue 2 , Volume 3
The 21st Century Dad

The 21st Century Dad

Becoming a father is a unique in a man's life.

3 mins  |
April-June 2023, Issue 2 , Volume 3
Dear Father, Take Care!

Dear Father, Take Care!

The changes in mothers' mental health during the perinatal period have been well-studied, while fathers' mental health during the same stressful period has not received as much attention because a father is supposed to be the superman in our society

2 mins  |
April-June 2023, Issue 2 , Volume 3