Be A Bawler
Women's Health South Africa

Be A Bawler

Big girls should cry, says new research. Read this and weep the benefits

3 mins  |
August 2017
Tomboy In A Tutu
Women's Health South Africa

Tomboy In A Tutu

Gravity-defying jetés and floating pirouettes don’t just take physical strength, but mental muscle too. Veteran dancer Kitty Phetla gives us a masterclass in the fine art of discipline

3 mins  |
August 2017
Feeling Drained
Women's Health South Africa

Feeling Drained

Thirsty as a Western Cape dam? You’re likely also zapped of mental clarity and energy. Nail your hydration levels to unlock a world of gains

3 mins  |
November 2017
The Power Of Pia
Women's Health South Africa

The Power Of Pia

Mother of two, Mexican-food fan and, best of all, unapologetically herself – Pia Miller, we salute you

6 mins  |
July 2017
What's Age Got To Do With It?
Women's Health South Africa

What's Age Got To Do With It?

Cross-generational romance is the one relationship stigma we simply can’t let go of. But age-defying couples not only make it work, they have wisdom to share

7 mins  |
July 2017
Chewing Away The Fat
Women's Health South Africa

Chewing Away The Fat

Can chewing gum actually help you lose weight?

3 mins  |
July 2018
Strong Sexy Successful
Women's Health South Africa

Strong Sexy Successful


7 mins  |
June 2018
Tee Off
Women's Health South Africa

Tee Off

Golf is the fastest-growing sport in South Africa, according to Lee-Anne. It’s more accessible than ever and with the handicap system, anyone can play and score points. Here’s how to get involved, per Sunshine Ladies Tour media manager Lali Stander

1 min  |
June 2018
'At 40 Years Old, I Am Stronger, Fitter And Healthier Than Ever Before'
Women's Health South Africa

'At 40 Years Old, I Am Stronger, Fitter And Healthier Than Ever Before'

When your body changes, it’s easy to feel out of touch with it.

2 mins  |
June 2018
Master The Move: Inchworm
Women's Health South Africa

Master The Move: Inchworm

Inch your way to all-over gains

2 mins  |
June 2018
Your Body On...Skipping Breakfast
Women's Health South Africa

Your Body On...Skipping Breakfast

Most important meal of the day or totally fine to skip? Debatable, apparently. Either way, here’s what happens when you do

2 mins  |
June 2018
Play Hard
Women's Health South Africa

Play Hard

Obstacle-course racing is a huge sport internationally and it’s growing exponentially in South Africa.Meet Dominique D’Oliveira, one of the women leading the charge – and why you should follow her lead 

2 mins  |
October 2017
The Gym Girl's  Guide To Wearing Make-up
Women's Health South Africa

The Gym Girl's Guide To Wearing Make-up

Athleisure beauty products are muscling in on the cosmetics market – but isn’t wearing make-up while you sweat, well, terrible? Not necessarily... If you choose the right products

4 mins  |
October 2017
Hart To Hart
Women's Health South Africa

Hart To Hart

Jessica Hart, the Aussie entrepreneur with the bombshell body, chats to WH about keeping in runway shape – while eating burgers and pizza

4 mins  |
October 2017
The Knockout
Women's Health South Africa

The Knockout

How does a farm girl with a chronic illness become one of SA’s leading ladies? Model and actress Amanda du-Pont says she fought her challenges head on – by stepping into the boxing ring.

6 mins  |
September 2016
My Boyfriend Has Excessive Mood Swings. How Do I Deal With Him On His Silent Days?
Women's Health South Africa

My Boyfriend Has Excessive Mood Swings. How Do I Deal With Him On His Silent Days?

My Boyfriend Has Excessive Mood Swings. How Do I Deal With Him On His Silent Days?

2 mins  |
December 2016
The Road Less Travelled
Women's Health South Africa

The Road Less Travelled

Things almost never go according to plan – and ASHLEIGH MOOLMAN-PASIO, pro cyclist, Olympian and chemical engineer is proof that sometimes “the plan” is total BS

3 mins  |
December 2016
First-Time Feels...
Women's Health South Africa

First-Time Feels...

You may have kissed your virginity buh-bye years ago, but chances are you’ll swipe several V cards throughout adulthood. Many of these sexual experiences cluster around life-altering events – and bring with them climactic twists. Here, experts explain what goes down when you get down after...

6 mins  |
December 2016
Hot As Hell
Women's Health South Africa

Hot As Hell

SA homegirl Lesley-Ann Brandt is burning up the LA TV scene as butt-kicking demon Mazikeen (aka Maze) on Lucifer – she gets real about that post-baby body, being an action hero and juggling screen time with breastfeeding duty 

8 mins  |
April 2018
Get Faster And Fitter
Women's Health South Africa

Get Faster And Fitter

Remember when you upgraded from 3G to 4G and that little extra speed turned out to be a life-altering experience? Well, take that theme and apply it to your legs. Picking up your run pace comes with huge benefits. One: it helps develop your fast-twitch muscle fibres, which increase your power and makes the mileage feel notably easier. Two: research shows speed training has a special knack for melting fat offmid-sections and these fat-burning effects last all day. And if you’re thinking “My knees! My knees!”, then consider point three: a quicker run can cut the stress on your joints by as much as 80 percent. Why? “You automatically take shorter steps, so there’s less impact,” explains Andy Curtis, a specialist sports injury physiotherapist. Adding just one speed-focused session to your weekly workout schedule is all it takes. So what’s stopping you, Caster?

3 mins  |
April 2018
Why Run?
Women's Health South Africa

Why Run?

We spoke to scores of women about why they lace up and how you – even if you’re new – can reap more benefits from every kay. Read their stories, make a plan and chart your own course...

3 mins  |
April 2018
How Are We Doing?
Women's Health South Africa

How Are We Doing?

We are in a global crisis that is getting worse by the year. By 2030 almost half of the world’s population will be overweight or obese if present trends continue. But what is the state of obesity in SA? And more importantly how did we get here?

9 mins  |
May 2018
Slay Your Inner Quitter
Women's Health South Africa

Slay Your Inner Quitter

She’s the reason you hit snooze, flake from fitness plans and give up on that diet three days in. She’s your inner quitter – and she’s lazy AF. Especially as winter draws nearer. Here’s how to keep yours quiet

7 mins  |
May 2018
The Mom Divide
Women's Health South Africa

The Mom Divide

Can your relationship with your bestie survive one of you having a baby? Yes... But it’s complicated, say two lifelong pals. Their story reveals how parenthood changed their friendship in ways they never expected 

5 mins  |
May 2018
The Gift of Gab
Women's Health South Africa

The Gift of Gab

Her odd-girl-out past. Her ambivalent relationship with exercise. Her unrelenting quest for roles that mean something, dammit! Gabrielle Union, the star of Being Mary Jane and the new thriller Sleepless, is letting her hair down and letting loose

7 mins  |
April 2017
Your Body
Women's Health South Africa

Your Body

Running builds endurance, challenges the muscles – and has some pretty bizarre effects on your mind and body. Here, local and international athletes tell all. Their knowledge = your power

6 mins  |
April 2017
How My Body Changed...And How It Changed Me
Women's Health South Africa

How My Body Changed...And How It Changed Me

What if the only way to save your life was to alter your body drastically? Would you still feel like yourself? And what would it be like to see yourself naked again for the first time? Three women who have undergone major physical transformations opened up to WH about their new realities, in all their unvarnished glory. And now they’re triumphantly showing their bodies in the hopes of empowering other women.

6 mins  |
September 2017
Food For Thought
Women's Health South Africa

Food For Thought

Researchers have made a mind-boggling discovery: the same junk-food diet that bulges your waistline and rots your teeth may be damaging your mind too. Women’s Health investigates an emerging theory: diabetes of the brain

8 mins  |
September 2017
WH's Modern Guide To Spa Etiquette
Women's Health South Africa

WH's Modern Guide To Spa Etiquette

It’s all lavender-scented massages and rose-petalled foot baths... Until you rip a fart or get accosted by product pushers. Turn down the Enya, tune in to this insider intel and (actually) relax

8 mins  |
September 2017
Your Body On... Attending A Wedding
Women's Health South Africa

Your Body On... Attending A Wedding

Here comes the bride… And a slew of mind-body changes. What to expect after you RSVP – for better or worse

2 mins  |
September 2017