The Power, Humour And Anger Of Mandela
Forbes Africa

The Power, Humour And Anger Of Mandela

On July 18, it will be 100 years since the birth of Nelson Mandela and South Africa is rolling out a raft of celebrations. It is also a good time to reflect on his contested legacy and the value of leadership in Africa. CNBC Africa’s head of programming and founding editor of FORBES AFRICA Chris Bishop gives a personal view.

5 mins  |
July 2018
‘Time For Business To Roll Up Its Sleeves'
Forbes Africa

‘Time For Business To Roll Up Its Sleeves'

Busi Mabuza has just been appointed Chair of the South African chapter of the BRICS Business Council. Also the chairperson of the Industrial Development Corporation, she speaks to FORBES AFRICA about her plans for trade and investment.

3 mins  |
February 2019
Handcrafted In A Cottage, Bottled For The Globe
Forbes Africa

Handcrafted In A Cottage, Bottled For The Globe

The sisters had no idea their love for healthy food would catapult them into the international food market.

4 mins  |
February 2019
From Africa To Mars And The Milky Way
Forbes Africa

From Africa To Mars And The Milky Way

As humanity explores new frontiers in space, the 50th anniversary of man landing on the moon serves as a reflection of where we have come from, and where we are to go next. What does it mean for the estimated $7 billion space industry in Africa?

8 mins  |
August 2019
The Maverick In Tech
Forbes Africa

The Maverick In Tech

The founder of some of Nigeria’s best-known startups on the mistakes and the millions that made him click in the technology business.

4 mins  |
August 2019
‘We Have Feelings Towards Robots'
Forbes Africa

‘We Have Feelings Towards Robots'

As humans continue to develop an emotional affinity with humanoids, how we interact with them is likely to change dramatically. The question is, can we agree on how to proceed ethically?

3 mins  |
April 2019
‘Organic In The Concrete Jungle'
Forbes Africa

‘Organic In The Concrete Jungle'

Geologist-turned-entrepreneur Brad Meiring uses an online delivery service in South Africa to get people to reconnect with their food.

5 mins  |
April 2019
Forbes Africa

African Of The Year

In an exclusive interview, Paul Kagame, Rwandan President and Chair of the African Union, speaks to Methil Renuka about intra-Africa trade, how governments can drive entrepreneurial growth and why he will always find time to play sports.

10+ mins  |
December 2018 - January 2019
Forbes Africa

Challenging The Old Guard?

The political atmosphere in Nigeria leading up to the February polls is tense. Challenging the status quo are new and younger contenders promising hope and change.

4 mins  |
December 2018 - January 2019
Forbes Africa

Brewing Success: Lessons From A Beer Baron

Canadian John Sleeman shares his entrepreneurial lessons with Africa.

2 mins  |
December 2018 - January 2019
Forbes Africa

Don't Be Afraid Of Failure

A former NASA astronaut, Charles Bolden, who visited Africa recently, on the importance of STEM education in the development of the space economy.

3 mins  |
December 2018 - January 2019
Forbes Africa

Fight To The Finish

The urban township of Soweto, which is steeped in culture and history in the southwest of Johannesburg, hosted its hallmark marathon, for the 25th year running.

1 min  |
December 2018 - January 2019
Forbes Africa

Life Is Not Complex If You Stay Positive

Rakesh Wahi recounts a deeply personal journey that culminated in an opportune meeting with the Dalai Lama.

5 mins  |
December 2018 - January 2019
Forbes Africa

Little Hands That Lift Loads

Child labor thrives in West Africa despite stringent policies against it.

3 mins  |
December 2018 - January 2019
A Tale Of Two Presidents And One Phone Call To Freedom
Forbes Africa

A Tale Of Two Presidents And One Phone Call To Freedom

A month before South Africa’s elections, one of the country’s leading political figures exposed a number of his former comrades for corruption with evidence to the Zondo Commission on State Capture. It was box office material, yet just another eventful period in the turbulent life of Robert McBride – guerrilla fighter, policeman and death row prisoner.

7 mins  |
May 2019
Packing Light In School Bags
Forbes Africa

Packing Light In School Bags

Former South African rugby star John Mametsa provides alternative energy solutions for the state. With his wife Tumi, he says their future in the business is bright.

3 mins  |
May 2019
Consumed By Healthy Eating
Forbes Africa

Consumed By Healthy Eating

The restaurant market still hungers for healthy options. This entrepreneur is feeding that need, serving earth-conscious customers and gym junkies.

3 mins  |
May 2019
The 4IR Strategy To Move Forward
Forbes Africa

The 4IR Strategy To Move Forward

SOUTH AFRICA HAS created the Presidential Commission on the Fourth Industrial Revolution. The President of South Africa, Cyril Ramaphosa, chairs this commission and I am the Deputy Chairman. The commission consists of 30 members.

3 mins  |
May 2019
There Will Always Be A Need For Live Art
Forbes Africa

There Will Always Be A Need For Live Art

South African dancer Mamela Nyamza revived a 30-year-old dance festival to help local artists connect with the rest of the world.

7 mins  |
May 2019
Sweet Success
Forbes Africa

Sweet Success

After her husband’s death, Popi Zolas abandoned her corporate career and took on a restaurant franchise, before immersing herself in the catering and confectionery business.

4 mins  |
May 2019
A Mistake That Cost A Million A Month
Forbes Africa

A Mistake That Cost A Million A Month

It was a bullet-pocked and bloody road to life as an entrepreneur. Millionaire Cosmas Maduka suffered through grief, poverty and loss; around the corner lurked his worst day that would lose him nearly a million dollars a month.

4 mins  |
April 2017
There Will Be Blood, Brother
Forbes Africa

There Will Be Blood, Brother

The ugly, gloating face of xenophobia once again leers over the streets of africa. Hard times and growing intolerance have seen violent mobs on the rampage against african entrepreneurs from nigeria to Somalia. FORBES AFRICA went among the violence and vexed voices on a Friday afternoon of madness in South africa’s capital city.

5 mins  |
April 2017
Can Hunting Save Animals? A Big Cat Biologist Investigates...
Forbes Africa

Can Hunting Save Animals? A Big Cat Biologist Investigates...

Until alternatives are found, banning hunting is unrealistic and could cause more harm than good. Trophy hunting, if managed properly, can contribute to wildlife conservation

5 mins  |
February 2016
Our Strength Lies In Coming Together
Forbes Africa

Our Strength Lies In Coming Together

As you read this, Kenya's Amina Mohamed could be the new Chairperson of the African Union Commission. The Cabinet Secretary for Foreign Affairs and International Trade in Kenya has had an outstanding diplomatic career and is set on taking Africa to the future.

8 mins  |
February 2017
Aigboje Aig-imoukhuede: ‘When We Started, ​​​​​​​all Hell Broke Loose'
Forbes Africa

Aigboje Aig-imoukhuede: ‘When We Started, ​​​​​​​all Hell Broke Loose'

As a child, Aigboje Aig-Imoukhuede missed his flight home and was left stranded on the runway. It was the last time he was ever left behind. Not only did he build a bank when others doubted him, he is also leading the way to transform capital markets in Africa.

10+ mins  |
November 2016
Boxing In Africa's Biggest Market
Forbes Africa

Boxing In Africa's Biggest Market

Competition in Africa’s leading stock exchange market is facing a difficult birth. Next year, South Africa could have three stock exchanges, but the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE) has taken the fight against the competition to court.

4 mins  |
November 2016
Peter Allerstorfer: ‘We Worked So Hard and It Was Just Taken From Us'
Forbes Africa

Peter Allerstorfer: ‘We Worked So Hard and It Was Just Taken From Us'

This is the tale of entrepreneurs who found out the importance of control in the harshest of ways. They built a company from the ground up, only to lose it until hard work brought sweet victory.

4 mins  |
November 2016
‘Sister, We Are Grateful These People Didn't Kill You'
Forbes Africa

‘Sister, We Are Grateful These People Didn't Kill You'

Thuli Madonsela has spent seven years talking truth to power. It has won her few friends in high places, but many across the continent who see her stand against corruption as inspiring and refreshing. FORBES AFRICA has named her our Person of the Year. We called on her at home for the inside story of her last tumultuous days in office.

9 mins  |
December 2016-January 2017
Step Forward The President With A Purpose
Forbes Africa

Step Forward The President With A Purpose

Being the first female president of Mauritius is not enough for Ameenah Gurib-Fakim. She is on a mission to make the world a better place.

3 mins  |
December 2016-January 2017
The Price Of Puff
Forbes Africa

The Price Of Puff

It is still one of the biggest businesses in Africa despite all the efforts from the government trying to stamp it out. The tobacco industry makes over $700 billion a year and seems to survive advertising bans and restrictions. Part of this business is African children who work for a dollar a day.

10+ mins  |
December 2016-January 2017