Receive a free month of Magzter GOLD

Get access to over 8,500+ magazines and newspapers when you join Microsoft Rewards. Earn Rewards points for searching on Microsoft Bing and redeem points toward your Magzter GOLD subscription, gift cards, and more. Continue to earn 3,000 Microsoft Rewards points each month to auto-renew.*

Already a member?

You will receive emails about Microsoft Rewards, which include offers about Microsoft and partner products.

Terms and conditions:

New Microsoft Rewards Members who are new or existing Magzters customers (excluding GOLD or GOLD Lite members) in the United States are eligible to receive a free month of Magzter GOLD while supplies last. After the free one month, the subscription will auto-renew monthly while supplies last if 3,000 Microsoft Rewards points are available in your Microsoft Rewards account. If 3,000 Microsoft Rewards points are not available, the subscription will be cancelled. Customers can cancel their subscription at any time. Microsoft reserves the right to modify or cancel this offer at any time. 

​​Current Microsoft Rewards members who are new or existing Magzter customers (excluding GOLD or GOLD Lite members) in the United States can redeem 1,000 Microsoft Rewards points for a 1 month Magzter GOLD subscription. The subscription will auto-renew until cancelled while supplies last if 3,000 Microsoft Rewards points are available in your Microsoft Rewards account. If 3,000 Microsoft Rewards points are not available, the subscription will be cancelled. Customers can cancel their subscription at any time. Microsoft reserves the right to modify or cancel this offer at any time.

Get started with Microsoft Rewards and Magzter

Joining is easy

Sign up for Microsoft Rewards for free to get started with Magzter GOLD subscription

How to earn points

Earn Rewards points by playing and shopping with Microsoft and searching on Microsoft Bing

What can you redeem

Visit your Microsoft Rewards redeem page to use your points toward gift cards, sweepstakes entries, donations, and more

Earn points, keep reading

Keep earning 3,000 Microsoft Rewards points each month to unlock your monthly Magzter GOLD subscription

8500+ Magazines and Newspapers

Read 8500+ magazines and newspapers across 40+ categories and 60+ languages

Curated Premium Stories

Explore mobile friendly stories curated from best selling magazines and newspapers

Cross platform Access

Enjoy reading on the Magzter website, iOS and Android apps

Offline Reading

Download your favourites title on the app and read them offline anytime and anywhere