Best of Belgium- All Issues

Welcome to ‘Best of Belgium,’ in which we celebrate this nation’s contemporary achievement in the arts, fashion, design, business and innovation. The time is evidently ripe for this publication. For one, there are plenty of good stories to tell. More than ten consecutive years of economic growth have created an environment where Belgian companies and individuals are achieving remarkable things in their fields, creating novel forms of performing art, innovating new technologies, creating uniquely Belgian fashion brands, and maintaining our well-deserved reputation in fine foods, chocolates and off course beer. Secondly, ‘Best of Belgium’ meets a need for what we call a collaborative marketing effort. Whether in the arts, fashion or business, practically all Belgian achievement is internationally focused. In this publication Belgian achievers worked together to bring their unique stories to all corners of the earth. As publishers we also express our gratitude to Brussels Export, Flanders Investment & Trade, AWEX (Walloon Export Agency), the Federal Agency for Foreign Trade (organizer of the royal trade missions) and the Federal Public Service of Foreign Affairs for their support in distributing this publication around the world. ‘Best of Belgium’ will also go out to our colleagues in the Global Village Partnerships network, from Dubai and Singapore to Australia and South Africa.