Lemon Paprika Chicken
Woman's World

Lemon Paprika Chicken

Roasting meaty chicken thighs with slices of fresh lemon and spice infuses them with zesty out-of-this-world flavor

1 min  |
September 11, 2023
Peach-Melba Angel Cake
Woman's World

Peach-Melba Angel Cake

Light as a cloud and a breeze to whip up with a mix, this dreamy delight is layered with almond-infused cream

1 min  |
September 11, 2023
Cranberry Iced Tea
Woman's World

Cranberry Iced Tea

Citrus-flavored green tea comes together with our easy-prep lime syrup in this berry-licious refresher

1 min  |
September 11, 2023
Fresh Mozzarella Tomato Bruschetta
Woman's World

Fresh Mozzarella Tomato Bruschetta

We cooked tangy-sweet balsamic vinegar until thick and syrupy, then drizzled it over these creamy bites of bliss

1 min  |
September 11, 2023
Rich, creamy mmm
Woman's World

Rich, creamy mmm

For just the right amount of sweet crunch, we layered this frozen delight with a quick-prep, coconut-kissed meringue

1 min  |
September 11, 2023
"Help! I feel everyone is so fake!"
Woman's World

"Help! I feel everyone is so fake!"

We all know how off-putting it is when someone pretends to be someone they're not. Here, how to deal with 'fakers' in the real world and online

2 mins  |
September 11, 2023
Herbal cures for late-summer beauty bothers
Woman's World

Herbal cures for late-summer beauty bothers

Applied topically, these fresh-picked gems repair the damage the season's elements cause to skin and hair for a young, radiant you, fast!

1 min  |
September 11, 2023
He turned his life around, now he helps his community thrive!
Woman's World

He turned his life around, now he helps his community thrive!

At an early age, Tyrique Glasgow was caught up in a life of drugs, guns and violence and he led other neighborhood youths down the same path. Today, the 40-year-old is still a leader in his neighborhood - but these days, he instead inspires kids to follow him into a life of hope, service and opportunity!

3 mins  |
September 11, 2023
"This simple method helped me beat burnout!"
Woman's World

"This simple method helped me beat burnout!"

When Rebecca Maher started feeling so overwhelmed by her job that she found herself mentally and physically exhausted, she considered retiring...until a simple practice changed everything!

2 mins  |
September 11, 2023
Hobbies that make you healthy!
Woman's World

Hobbies that make you healthy!

More of us are carving out time for leisure activities. Now, research shows popular hobbies have extra health-boosting perks!

3 mins  |
September 11, 2023
Bye-bye, brain blips!
Woman's World

Bye-bye, brain blips!

More than 60% of us are bothered by blips in thinking after age 50, finds Baylor University research. Luckily, these tricks help in a big way!

2 mins  |
September 11, 2023
Swaps that slash diabetes risk
Woman's World

Swaps that slash diabetes risk

You know it's important to ward off type 2 diabetes (high blood sugar caused by insulin resistance + inadequate insulin production). Risk of the condition, which can lead to heart trouble and kidney disease, increases by up to sixfold between ages 44 and 65. Here's how you can sidestep trouble altogether

1 min  |
September 11, 2023
Reverse autumn hair loss-naturally!
Woman's World

Reverse autumn hair loss-naturally!

As fall nears, hair shedding as much as doubles, say U.K. scientists. Hair quietly goes into a ‘resting’ phase during summer. Then when temperatures cool, follicles interpret the change as a signal to shift into a ‘shedding’ phase. Luckily, these tips help stop seasonal shedding

1 min  |
September 11, 2023
Key to slim, strong and energized
Woman's World

Key to slim, strong and energized

Wouldn’t you love to burn fat, build muscle and have energy to spare? You can!—just by optimizing your body’s levels of DHEA. “DHEA has been dubbed the ‘master hormone’ because it’s the most abundant hormone in the body, and it’s used to produce other hormones that enhance mood and metabolism,” notes Fred Pescatore, MD. Plus, research suggests lifting DHEA boosts energy by 50%. And while levels of the hormone dip by up to 70% between our 20s and 50s, these tips make it easy to correct a shortfall

2 mins  |
September 11, 2023
She lost 97 lbs at age 71!
Woman's World

She lost 97 lbs at age 71!

This $2-a-week mineral powder speeds fat burn 97% to help you lose up to 15 lbs in 10 days

6 mins  |
September 11, 2023
New ways to spruce up your home for less!
Woman's World

New ways to spruce up your home for less!

Want to refresh your home with new furniture and decor? Labor Day sales aren’t the only way to save! Here, decorating pros reveal new ways to get all you want while slashing the cost

2 mins  |
September 04, 2023
Add happy flair with sunflowers!
Woman's World

Add happy flair with sunflowers!

All it takes to create striking floral accents is a handful of happy-faced blooms! Here, floral pro Jessica Foley of shares the easy and affordable how-to's

2 mins  |
September 04, 2023
"Help me deal with patronizing people!"
Woman's World

"Help me deal with patronizing people!"

We’ve all dealt with people whose condescending attitudes have made us feel bad. Here, experts share easy ways to change the script

2 mins  |
September 04, 2023
Nature's best heartburn fixes
Woman's World

Nature's best heartburn fixes

We love digging into our favorite fare at barbecues and picnics. The hitch? Rich foods and alcoholic drinks can trigger heartburn. Luckily, these natural tricks can help

1 min  |
September 04, 2023
MD's own cure for meno-flab
Woman's World

MD's own cure for meno-flab

Dr. Mary Claire Haver reveals everyday foods that help us burn fat 647% faster-so we drop up to a pound a day*

4 mins  |
September 04, 2023
"Essential oils cured my migraines!"
Woman's World

"Essential oils cured my migraines!"

For more than 35 years, Lisa Erickson was sidelined about 15 days a month by excruciating headaches…until she concocted her own natural remedy that stopped the pain for good!

2 mins  |
September 04, 2023
Cures for change-of-season bothers
Woman's World

Cures for change-of-season bothers

Sail through the everyday health hassles that pop up during the 'shoulder season' to feel your absolute best!

3 mins  |
September 04, 2023
Don't throw away great health!
Woman's World

Don't throw away great health!

Some of the most common kitchen toss-outs are often packed with nutrients even more potent than the ‘main’ foods they come from. Here’s how to harness their benefits

1 min  |
September 04, 2023
The safest natural sleep aids
Woman's World

The safest natural sleep aids

Your body's production of the sleep hormone melatonin dips with age. And while OTC melatonin gummies can help, a new study found they can contain up to 3.5 times as much melatonin as they say they do. \"Taking too much melatonin can cause nightmares, headaches and grogginess,\" says sleep medicine expert Shelby Harris, PsyD. To boost your levels naturally, just...

1 min  |
September 04, 2023
Speed-heal your sciatica-naturally!
Woman's World

Speed-heal your sciatica-naturally!

When sciatica flares, it feels like a painful jolt shooting down your buttocks and legs. For the 40% of people who’ve dealt with the condition, which is caused by excess pressure on the sciatic nerve, finding relief may be easier than you think, thanks to these tricks that speed healing

1 min  |
September 04, 2023
Outsmart late-summer puffiness
Woman's World

Outsmart late-summer puffiness

Tired and puffy? Sluggish kidneys may be to blame. The organs keep fluid levels in balance and flush draining toxins and waste from the bloodstream.

2 mins  |
September 04, 2023
The best make up dupes for women over 50!
Woman's World

The best make up dupes for women over 50!

A quick scroll through social media and you'll find influencers singing the praises of dupes-products that are nearly identical to high-end formulas but cost far less! So we tapped over50 beauty YouTuber Laura Rae (@LauraRaeBeauty) for her triedand-true dupes to beautiful, stat!

2 mins  |
September 04, 2023
“Harvesting love and kindness can truly change people’s lives!”
Woman's World

“Harvesting love and kindness can truly change people’s lives!”

When Rachel Landis saw unpicked fruit on trees in her community falling to the ground and left to rot, she couldn’t help but think of all the people unable to afford nutritious food for their families. Someone needs to do something, Rachel thought. Taking up the challenge, she founded a nonprofit to get hungry people the food they need!

3 mins  |
September 04, 2023
Love as sweet as honey
Woman's World

Love as sweet as honey

Honey Lambert’s life is full of all work and no play…until a handsome stranger sits down next to her and fills her world with new possibilities

3 mins  |
August 28, 2023
"I make $300 a month selling my crochet crafts!"
Woman's World

"I make $300 a month selling my crochet crafts!"

Diane Stone found the perfect way to keep her hands busy and her bank account flush! Here’s how

1 min  |
August 28, 2023