CSR Journal- All Issues

CSR Journal is a true source of information to its readers, which turns its readership into meaningful actions. Feature-length interviews with corporate and non-profit organisations aim to present the viewers with an outlook of the on-ground realities and understand the CSR culture. Through news features and exclusive stories, the portal attempts to position initiatives and projects to the masses, igniting one’s passion for sustainability, awareness, welfare and growth of the society. Addressing the issue of constant assertion for a need to envelop and present solutions, we remain a convenient proposition for decision makers, committed implementers and beneficiaries. It will be a quarterly edition, which leads to a space of progressive news, enclosed and secure. A refuge for all to easily understand the subject matter, value opinions and appreciate values in the sector. Showcasing impactful and scalable projects initiated by corporate houses, non-governmental organisations and individuals. Bringing forth human interest stories to our wide readers. Stories which will inspire individuals to make CSR synonymous with Citizen’s Social Responsibility.