Hackercool Magazine - Hackercool_Mag_July_2024_Issue

Hackercool Magazine - Hackercool_Mag_July_2024_Issue

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In this issue
See what our Hackercool Magazine's July 2024 Issue has in store for you.
1. Private Zone:
Tails OS 6.4.
2. Vulnerability for beginners:
3. Online Security:
FraudGPT and other malicious AIs are the new frontier of online threats. What can we do?
4. Vulnerability for beginners:
Exim File Name Extension Block Bypass.
5. Exploit Writing:
Coding a Local File Inclusion (LFI) exploit.
6. Red Team Hacking:
Living of The Land (LoTL) attack.
7. Cybersecurity:
CrowdStrike crash showed us how invasive cyber security software is. Is there a better way?
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Hackercool Magazine Description:
Publisher: Hackercool
Category: Computer & Mobile
Language: English
Frequency: Monthly
The magazine is all about advanced hacking. This can take many forms like ethical hacking, Penetration testing and blackhat hacking.
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