Hackercool Magazine - Hackercool_Mag_Dec_2023_Issue

Hackercool Magazine - Hackercool_Mag_Dec_2023_Issue

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In this issue
Hi all.
Another year has ended and another new year has dawned upon us. This is not only the last Issue of the year but also the last Issue in the old format. Yeah. We are planning to reboot Hackercool Magazine and you might see the changes in the first Issue of 2024 itself, if every -thing goes according to GOD’s plan. To keep our focus on the present Issue, in this last Issue of the year 2023, we start by bringing you the top vulnerabilities seen in year 2023. 2023 has seen a lot of major vulnerabilities which were exploited by APTs and other threat actors around the world very quickly. We wanted to brush you up with these vulnerabilities.
Then, you can read a article on how QR codes work and hackers can even exploit them. Next, we have our final part of Exploit writing article. In this article, you will learn to use all the modules you learnt about till now to make an exploit that is very identical to Real World exploits. Then, we bring you for the first time our prediction in the field of cybersecurity for year 2024. Our predictions are based on the latest hacking trends that we have observed in year 2023.
We will end this Issue with a Metasploit Scenario in which you will learn how to exploit WinRAR RCE vulnerability to gain initial access, elevate privileg- -es by exploiting the clfs.sys vulnerability in Windows 10 and then use Pass-the-Hash attack to gain control of a Windows Domain controller (I mean almost). I am sure you will enjoy reading this Issue as much as we enjoyed preparing it.
Kalyan Chinta,
Founder, Hackercool Magazine
Hackercool Magazine Description:
Publisher: Hackercool
Category: Computer & Mobile
Language: English
Frequency: Monthly
The magazine is all about advanced hacking. This can take many forms like ethical hacking, Penetration testing and blackhat hacking.
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