Yorkshire BusinessWoman- All Issues

Yorkshire Businesswoman is an digital and printed magazine with membership that launched in November 2020. A sister publication to TopicUK business magazine, Yorkshire Businesswoman was set up following the success of the businesswoman section within TopicUK. Apart from business, we cover fashion, beauty, entrepreneurship, business success stories, health, art, food and drink and lifestyle and much much more. Please do send us your news and images to editor@yorkshirebusinesswoman.co.uk for consideration. You may want to consider taking a small advert on the site. There are lots of affordable options available, which will be included in all our social media posts. To join our exclusive membership, do click the 'sign up' button. We offer discounts on advertising within both our publications, lots of free space, priority on publishing your news and press releases, entry to our exclusive networking events in partnership with Dakota Leeds and other venues, as well as support and advice for your business from other professionals. Personal membership is just £25 per month. Corporate memberships are also available, call for details.