悦游Condé Nast Traveler- All Issues

《悦游Condé Nast Traveler》是一本将休闲与优雅,随兴与高端完美融合的旅行及生活方式杂志,为中国社会逐渐壮大的高收入、高教育、高品位人群量身定制,满足了他们渴望了解世界顶级奢华旅行生活方式的需求。 The Chinese Edition of Condé Nast Traveler is a balanced mix of leisure interest and elegant living, casual lifestyle and high-end aspiration. Our content is tailor-made for China’s growing number of culturally refined and affluent individuals, seeking to satisfy their desire to discover and experience the world’s top luxury travel destinations and lifestyles.