FOOD et al- All Issues

Everything for the foodie. Discover indie food products, recipes from top bloggers and artisan kitchen and dining ware. Food et al is a newly launched, on-line food magazine dedicated to improving the way we consume by discovering and promoting socially responsible food producers, gifted, local craftsmen and inspiring food writers and photographers. With our dedication to high quality, high welfare products and exciting recipes, the innovative and passionate individuals we support and celebrate, and our inspired readers, together we are working to achieve, day by day, a large scale, wide reaching and powerful food revolution. The Story: ‘One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well.’ Virginia Woolf. In a relentless search for cheap and quick food fixes that fit in with our fast paced, busy lives, many of us have perhaps forgotten that food is one of life’s greatest pleasures. We firmly believe that mass produced, chemical filled, earth destroying food has had it’s day and we can’t wait for you to see it’s replacement. Here at Food et al, we aim to bring back the joy, excitement, adventure and delight we believe should always be associated with food and dining whilst also shedding light on the importance of ethical and sustainable food production. On our fantastic new website, we will be sharing with you innovative and creative new food products, masterfully crafted dining pieces and kitchen accessories from tradition-upholding, local and skilled craftsmen, exquisite recipes from talented bloggers across the world and dinner party inspiration from delicate canapes to extravagant centerpieces. Bringing back the joy of eating!